Monday, July 7, 2008


Hello! Can you say WOW! I would like to share how things went in Greenville, SC today. Me and Chad an awesome friend of mine done meals on wheels from 10:00 to 11:00 that was fantastic, we talked to all kinds of people while doing that. We were able to minister to all those people who very rarely have company over or even family to come see them and that burdens me, so we give them a big smile and talked with them. That was just the start of what God had in mind for the Greenville community on July 7th. Let me say what im about to share with you we take no credit for it was all Jesus. We were just willing to be a vessel for the creator of all things and he worked through us today! OK now that im going to Brag on Jesus! We reached out to over 25 people today however they were few that actually wanted to talk. So we reached out sharing the gospel with them and 3 people ended up recieving christ, thats huge and fires me up!!! Not only did they except the perfect gift Jesus offered to them, one lady (who's name i will not share) had been prostituting and using drugs she had a look of death and pain in her eyes. she shared her story and i have to admit it bothered me. Then we ask her if she truly wanted to change and she cried out, Thats when Chad stepped up and prayed with her it was awesome just to see her crie out to God. She excepted christ, the look on her face after was full of joy and peace. She then said she was on her way to eat and rehab! We exchanged info and cant wait to check on her! Man Jesus was just getting started we made one stop right in the heart of the biggest drug infested and prostitution areas in South Carolina. We parked our truck got out and hit the streets once again shortly after we ran up on 5 people just sitting there with looks of sadness on there face. We listened to them and shared our story as well. Then something came over me so we prayed for them and 2 of them said the sinners prayer it was all i could do to hold it together. After that they were then my brothers in Christ and im thankful that. We will continue to check on them and offer help in anyway possible. I could go on and on and since this is already a long Blog entry i will wrap it up. I have one thing left to say God called us to be salt in a lost world ,salt makes people thirsty who have you made thirsty for Jesus lately! To Jesus Christ be the Glory and anytime God moves like this i will BRAG!! on him, he deserves it. Thanks for taking the time to read my long blog i hope your encouraged and at the same time challenged! with LOVE!! Jason


Hello! Good morning i just wanted to say have a great and positive day. Life is great and you will have a great week this week. Well im off to Greenvilles streets to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for me as i go into some dangerous areas. Im pumped I can't wait to see what Jesus does today! Check out my blog later tonight as i will reflect on today and offer encouragement! One Love, One God, One Way later Jason