Saturday, February 21, 2009

Acting with Urgency!

Perry Noble posted this a while ago but its so true check it out! And not to mention its Freakin Hilarious as well! There are times in life when action MUST be taken…I had one of those times several months ago…
I had been out and about and was pulling into my neighborhood when I felt something crawling in my pants right around my knee. I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me and dismissed it until…
While pulling into my driveway whatever “it” was decided to begin biting me…right around mid thigh!
How did I respond? Well…I didn’t do as many Christians would have done and begin praying about it. I didn’t form a group with other people who had been bitten to discuss the problem. I didn’t try to decide whether “it” had been predestined to bite me OR if it had chosen to…
I responded with urgency!
First of all I screamed like a girl! I am not trying to be crass here…but when you are a dude and something bites you mid-thigh…it is perfectly acceptable to scream!
Second of all I pulled my car into my garage as fast as I could…as I think back I probably barely made it in…our door isn’t the fastest opening door in the world.
Third I LEAPED out of my car and pulled my pants off. (I know–that’s gross, but ANY dude in my situation would have done the same!) I could not find whatever had bitten me earlier…so I just jumped up and down on my pants, hoping to eventually “squish” whatever it was that had VIOLENTLY disrupted my day.
(Lucretia gave me a VERY weird look when I walked inside with no pants on!)
Bottom line…when I was bitten…everything changed. I acted with urgency…I had to, sitting there and being passive was not an option…and doing so could have caused serious damage and pain!
There are times in life when many of us have felt “bitten” by God…nudged in an undeniably divine way that makes us incredibly uncomfortable and forces us to take immediate action. Simply put–I believe that God OFTEN causes us to act with urgency.
You see, if heaven and hell are real (and I believe they are), and people without Christ really do go to hell then we need to act with urgency. Unfortunately, many churches have used “evangelism repellent” to make sure that the “go and tell” bug gets nowhere near them.
When it comes to evangelism Scripture strongly indicates that we should all act with urgency…with passion…with a seriousness like never before. And…this Sunday we will see some incredible and undeniable scenarios of what happens when someone responds to God’s call on their life to take the message outside of the church.
This weekend will be one of those services that could quite possibly go down in NewSpring history as one of the best ever! Trust me when I say we will never forget it!One more thing…I also believe God calls us to urgently respond to things on an individual basis as well. Is there anything He’s asking you to do? Just curious.