About Me
- Jason Ashley
- I am a Husband to the most loving and beautiful woman in the world. I am the father of 3 kids that continue to challenge me in so many ways but they are awesome. I am also a child of the most high God and I am striving to live out The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also Co-Founder of The LOT Project. My home church is Newspring Church Anderson Campus. My prayer for you and I is that we are encouraged and challenged by the writings on this page. Some writings may be stories and some writings may be what God is teaching me from day to day. SO GRAB YOUR FORK AND LETS EAT :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wow! today has been great. First I would like to share with you how awesome my day has been. I got up this morning and went and cleaned our children rooms at church. My son is so awesome he is only 5 years old but he helped me this morning with everything. It’s amazing how much of a servant’s heart he has to be so young! The highlight of my day was talking with a staff member. I am so thankful for her she always smiles regardless of the situation she prayed for me and rocked my world. We all need people we can count on. We need to pray for them as well. Prayer works! I am telling you it works! I am going to be talking to you today about freedom! My dad has been in Federal Prison since I was 14 years old I am 26 now so it’s been tough not having him there. However I believe with all my heart it saved his life and he is closer to Jesus than he has ever been. He has been on my mind and I want to talk about Prison. It’s a different kind though. I want to talk to you about imprisonment to fear, possessions, lifestyles, and money. Are you in bondage Is it your past that haunts and controls you. I believe Rick Warren made a good point when he said “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” It’s true on this very day it can be lifted from you. Is it fear that holds you back? He also had an awesome definition of fear. Fear is a self imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be! That has been true in my life. One verse has helped me with fear Joshua chapter 1 verse 9. It says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” That’s so true he never leaves. You see Fear can be a lifestyle that is dangerous if you live in Fear you will never succeed! We have to take steps in our daily lives and take them with no Fear. You see possessions control a lot of people’s lives. You see today’s society tells you the more things you have the happier you will be. That is a lie from the pit of Hell. If you count on possessions you will always be empty! I’ve been there trust me. Money is the key factor behind this mindset you think the more money I make the happier I will be this is another lie! I’m not saying it’s wrong to have money or nice things I’m saying if they control you its wrong. Do you need to change somethings? Are you down in the dumps and feel heavy?Are you trying to hide something from God or hide your face from him? I’m going to give you a scripture to read, 2 Corinthians Chapter 3 Verses 15-18. See Jesus can provide freedom! The question is are you willing to ask him for help! I did and he has rocked my world I pray you do the same. Take time to pray for Prisoners today! Especially those who are imprisoned to the things I’ve talked about! I Love You Guys Have a Great Day! Jason
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