Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wait Part 2!

Now for Part 2 on WAIT this is also by Craige Lewis! Here we go are you ready, this is off the chain!...... The problem with waiting is a lot of times based on what you are waiting for. Although the scriptures tell us plainly that if you wait on God you will be exalted and shall inherit the land, we must realize that this should not be the reason we wait! You don’t wait on God just because you know that if you do, he will exalt you one day. If you do that, then you will find yourself with the “Look at me now” complex and you will seek to get from God for your own glorying purposes. You should wait because during the waiting period, you can learn of him and be close to him. God wants a relationship with you, not based on what he can do for you, but what he means to you! We are taught so much that we should give with expectancy or we should wait knowing that in due season we will be exalted. And even though these things will happen, we should not seek them to happen. That is a very selfish way to live and you will not reap the benefits of knowing God intimately if you live only for what god will do to you. God wants people to have the attitude like the 3 Hebrews boys. They knew God could deliver them, but there attitude was, “if he doesn’t” we want bow! They loved God to the point that they didn’t care what happened and that’s why he exalted them. God has a great blessing for you and much in store for you. I’m a living witness that if you wait on him and his perfect plan for your life to unfold, he will bless you. But while I waited, I never looked for the day he would exalt me. I only desired to be close to him and because I got close enough to be trusted by him, he blessed me tremendously. Please people of God, hear my heart. It’s definitely okay to know that things will get better for you. But please make sure God is more important to you than your own desires and accomplishments. Make sure you are not using God for what you feel he can give you, but you are serving God because you love him and want to do what’s right!