Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is one of the best posts ever about dealing with your critics! This is my Pastor Perry Noble dang I Love this Guy!
Dealing With Critics - Five Questions That I Ask
I have been a part of several pastors Q & A sessions in the past year–leading some and participating in others–and in EVERY session that I attended the question, “How do you deal with criticism” surfaced.
I will have to admit that I am NOT an expert in this area…I am still learning; however, I believe in order for a pastor (or church leader) to finish well he has to learn how to deal with this issue. Jesus dealt with it, so did the Apostle Paul…we all will. One of the number one factors in pastors leaving the ministry is discouragement…and so here are several questions that I ask when criticism flies my way…
#1 - How Well Does This Person Know Me?
One of the things that we have to learn as pastors is just because someone has a blog or knows how to type an e-mail…that does not make them an expert. (Yes, I put myself in this category.)
I cannot tell you the number of blog posts I have read and e-mails that I have received from people calling me prideful, a heretic, saying that I am going to hell…and those are the nice ones!!!
Pastors, you’ve got to understand WHO is doing the criticizing. People will often act before they think (I do) and make snap judgments on your character based on one line you wrote on your blog or something you said in a sermon in which they did not listen to the entire context.
And…to be honest, those are the people I do not listen to. I can’t! I don’t have time.
BUT…I do listen to those closest to me. I have created an open atmosphere among the leaders here at NewSpring…and behind closed doors I have been both encouraged and rebuked. You’ve got to have people around you who are willing to tell you the truth or this does not work.
AND…I listen to the people in our church, who are neck deep in ministry with us…their opinion matters! But those who don’t know me–I don’t have time to try to convince them I’m a good person…and if I try then they call me arrogant and say I should be more humble. :-)
#2 - What Attitude Does The Person Criticizing Have?
Bottom line, if someone comes at me with a negative, condemning attitude…I write it off. The Bible says that we are called to speak the truth…but we are called to do so in love.
#3 - Does What The Person Is Saying Pass Through The Filter Of Scripture?
DANG…I heard Erwin McManus say this once…and it has impacted me ever since. When someone comes at me with, “I think this,” and, “I think that,” but cannot back up their argument with Scripture…I write them off.
Let me say this–Scripture IN CONTEXT, I have discovered that there are some people out there who can make the Bible say anything they want it to say by misquoting God’s Word.
But Scripture in context…I will listen to that. For example, a few weeks ago a friend and I had some differences and I did not speak to this person for several days. Things were tense because we work around one another. She confronted me on this and said, “The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26 that we are not supposed to let the sun go down on us while we are angry…I would say you have done that.”
I was busted–she was right…she confronted me with a non-judgmental attitude and used Scripture in context…and I repented because I was wrong.
#4 - Is This Criticism Personal Or Shared By Others?
Pastors…here is the truth. We can receive hundreds of e-mails telling us how wonderful the sermon was…and one telling us that we are horrible preachers…and we will ignore the one hundred and focus on the one that was negative!
We all do it–I am the world’s worse!!!
OR–we will fall for the line, “I’ve been talking to a lot of people…and everyone is saying…” And then they will unload their personal agenda on us and say that everyone is saying the exact same thing. Which in most cases is not true. In fact, what I have discovered is that a person who usually says things like this don’t really have a lot of people who will talk to them anyway. Seriously!
And…if it is always the same person saying that “everyone is saying,” but they are the only person who is saying anything…then ask them who “everyone” is–this will usually shut them up!
#5 - Is This Worth My Time?
I used to try and fight every single ounce of criticism that came my way…and I just can’t do it anymore, and neither can you.
Now, there are some things that are worth my time…and I do address issues on the blog from time to time that I feel are necessary.
BUT…what I have discovered is that the majority of the criticism I get simply isn’t worth my time. I am NOT going to change the person’s mind…and “friendly debate” is out of the question…so I just move on.
I am JUST getting to where I can do this. I used to search & see what other bloggers were saying about me…but I don’t do that anymore–and neither should you! It robs your joy!!!
I don’t know if this helps you–but it has helped me. Pastors, we will always experience hurt in ministry. But, if I may use a sports analogy, the players that we most admire are the ones that play hurt and still make things happen. This rung true with me at C3 this past year when Craig Groeschel said that pastors play hurt every week.
Craig plays hurt
Ed Young plays hurt
Mark Driscoll plays hurt
Rob Bell plays hurt
Erwin McManus plays hurt
Rick Warren plays hurt
We all play hurt…but that is a part of finishing well…knowing that it will all work out in the end.
God bless…
About this entry
You’re currently reading “Dealing With Critics - Five Questions That I Ask,” an entry on Perry Noble dot com
04.11.07 / 8am
Finishing Well

Driscoll's awesome post SILENCE!

Mark Driscoll
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven... a time to be silent and a time to speak...Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7b
It was a very normal day until I realized that I was actively destroying my own soul.
The day began with my alarm jolting me awake. I immediately turned on my BlackBerry to hear it chime for each voicemail and email that had been left while I slept. I stepped into the shower where I listened to my waterproof radio. I then turned on the television to catch some news while I dressed. Driving to work I tuned in to some talk-radio banter.
Throughout the day the chime on my laptop kept ringing as email arrived, and my cell phone continued to vibrate and ring on my hip. Before long, I needed a break, and I put on my iPod to go for a walk.
On the drive home, I again listened to the radio in an effort to drown out the blaring horns of frustrated fellow commuters. After eating dinner and tucking my five children into bed, I turned on the television to watch shows I had recorded on my Tivo.
As I drifted off to sleep, it dawned on me that I had not had one minute of silence during my entire day. It was possible, I realized, that I could live the rest of my life without ever again experiencing silence.
In that moment, God deeply convicted me that I was addicted to the false trinity of our day, the gods known as Noise, Hurry, and Crowds. I remembered the words of missionary martyr Jim Elliot, who said, “I think the devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, crowds . . . Satan is quite aware of the power of silence.”
I began to ponder what Jesus’ life might be like if He lived today. Would He be available to all of His followers twenty-four hours a day on His BlackBerry? Would He have left His phone on at the Last Supper and been continually interrupted by needless calls? Would He have failed to stop and speak to needy people because their weeping was not loud enough for Him to hear over His iPod as He hurried past them on His way to a meeting He was already late for?
In that moment I prayed, asking God for His wisdom and help to save me from myself. God answered my prayer and reminded me that Jesus often took periods of prayerful silence to hear from the Father and to ensure not that He was doing everything He could, but that He was doing only what was most important. For example, before beginning His public ministry, Jesus spent forty days fasting from food, people, and noise in an effort to prepare Himself to fully accomplish what God the Father had given Him to do on the earth.
Moreover, the Bible says in Luke 5:16 that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places.” Jesus spent considerable time alone in silence to pray, rest, and focus on what priorities He should be devoting His time and energy to. This helps to explain why, in just three short years of ministry, Jesus had a greater impact on history than anyone else who has ever lived.
The Bible also describes multiple benefits of purposeful silence, including:
hearing from God (1 Kings 19:11–13)
waiting patiently for the Lord to act (Lamentations 3:25–28)
worshiping God (Habakkuk 2:20)
knowing God better (Psalm 46:10)
praying effectively (Luke 5:16)
Since God convicted me of my addiction to noise, I have sought to conform my life more to the pattern of Jesus’, which has proven quite helpful. I try to spend at least five minutes an hour in silence, at least thirty minutes in uninterrupted silence each day, and a full day in silence once a month. During those times I find myself going for silent prayer walks to listen to God, writing in my journal, and sometimes doing nothing at all, which for me has become an act of faith that God is at work even when I am not.
My prayer is that those reading this who, like me, are guilty of noise addiction can also experience the regular gift of silence because that is often where God is waiting for us. There was silence before God spoke the world into existence, and silence for forty days before Jesus began His public ministry, which may indicate that silence is what allows us to speak as God intends.
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Solitude Part 2
Mark Driscoll

Monday, December 29, 2008

Andy's 5 things!

Check this out Andy is on it DANG!
Five Things Andy Stanley is Thinking About
Andy Stanley closed the last session of Catalyst talking about stuff that is on his mind...
1) To reach people no one else is reaching, we have to do things no one else is doing (Craig Groeschel) - we have 175,000 people within 10 miles of Northpoint, and we aren't reaching them. We aren't going to reach them by building another church building. We have to do something no one else is doing.
Become preoccupied with those you want to reach rather than those you are trying to keep.
2) The best idea for reaching the next generation isn't going to come from the existing generation, it's going to come from the next generation.
If you are over 45 years old, you aren't going to have any good ideas. It's your job to recognize the good ideas.
Don't do to the next generation what the previous generation did to you.
Be a student, not a critic.
3) I'm looking for what can't be done in church, but if it could be done would fundamentally change the church.
It always used to drive me nuts that the communicator and the leader had to be the same thing.
Multi-site solved this. Now the great leader doesn't have to be the teacher.
Like that, you may be the one to crack the code on something no one else has figured out that will fundamentally change our "business."
Pay attention to people who are breaking the rules. It's the rule-breakers who are oftentimes the problem solvers.
4) If we got kicked out by our board, and they hired a new guy, what would the new guy change or do different? Let's walk out the door and walk back in, and make those changes.
The problem with ministry is that we've fallen in love with the way we've done ministry.
It's not "no pain, no gain" -- it's "no pain, no change." Without pain, there typically isn't any change.
Ask: "Where are we manufacturing energy?" The things we aren't very excited about, it takes energy to get it done, but the results aren't stellar.
Acknowledge what's not working. Own up to it. And own up to why you aren't willing to do anything about it. What is it you fear? You need to deal with that. It is a leadership lid for you.
5) When your memories exceed your dreams, the end is near. You look back with smiles and lots to celebrate, but you don't have a lot to work forward to.
Are you willing to be involved in the future more than the present?
Don't let success overshadow your vision.
Success breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Its already yours! (By Steven Furtick)

It’s already yoursDecember 22nd, 2008
I get so frustrated with the older brother in the story of the prodigal son.Here he is, pitching a temper tantrum because of something his father never gave him (a goat, for crying out loud).
We can learn a valuable lesson at the expense his ignorance:Your Father can’t give you what’s already yours!
This brother had access to as many fat cows as his little heart desired.They were his for the taking. So what was he waiting for?
Many times we pray for God to give us things that we already possess.We ask God to give us joy. Joy doesn’t come from out-there-somewhere.It’s a fruit of the Spirit…and it’s already ours….waiting to be activated.
I’ve begged God before to give me peace about certain situations. When He doesn’t rain down peace, I become irritated and impatient.But He’s already given me peace through Jesus…a peace that passes understanding.He’s waiting for me to walk in what He’s already provided.
Don’t wait for God to give you victory when He’s already won the battle.Don’t wait for God to give you hope when He’s already poured out His hope in abundance into your heart through the Holy Spirit.
Stop waiting for God to give you what’s already yours.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

What’s up to all my peeps! I’m sitting here about to have my first family Christmas party of the year! Excited because of the homemade cheesecake I will be consuming here in just a few! You know I want to wish all of you who read this blog daily a Merry CHRIST-mas! I hope the Lord blesses you very much! Me and Tommy did ministry today and reached over 80 people for Christ it was a huge day! Thanks to Jane and Tommy for putting the cards together and to all of you who prayed for us today we love you! The number one asked question around this time of year is “Are you getting something for Christmas?” Most people answer with the sentence I HOPE so! You know I get the same response when I ask people if they are going to Heaven! Did you know you don’t have to HOPE so you can know so! Jesus went to the cross to set you free from sin so you would no longer have to live in bondage but in FREEDOM! If you would like to know that if you were to die tomorrow you would go to Heaven Just say this prayer to God and mean it! Dear Lord Jesus I know I’m a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sin and rose again. Come into my life take complete control. I give it all to you thank you Jesus for saving me AMEN! If you prayed this prayer you made the best decision you have ever made and we at Mission Ministries would like to help you take your next step and give you a free bible just email me at and let me know your address and I will personally mail you a bible and information on your next steps!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Salvation Rings!!!

First I would like to let you know you are loved very much! By Jesus Christ and us the body of believers (THE CHURCH). Jesus said in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” It’s not hard Jesus done all of the suffering on the cross so that we could be set free! The Bible also says in John 3:17 “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” If you would like to accept Jesus’ gift and surrender your LIFE to him just say this prayer. “Dear Lord Jesus I know I’m a sinner and I need your forgiveness, I believe you died on the cross and rose from the grave, Come into my life Jesus and take complete control I give it all to you AMEN! If you just said this prayer you have asked the creator of everything to save you and he just did so smile and believe, you just made the best decision of your life! WE LOVE YOU! Tommy and Jason!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting Fed!!!!

Good morning I hope everyone’s having a great day. Mine has been awesome I just got through feeding my 10 month old. She is growing so fast! You see she depends on me to feed her so she can grow, she can’t feed herself yet. As I think about this it means more to me than just a feeding for my child. You see I know you have heard this over and over again especially if you attend a "Traditional" Church. You hear someone say I left "so and so church" because I wasn’t getting fed there. You see there is a difference when I feed my child. She is not old enough to eat on her own; however we as believers are old enough to know we have to eat. I’m not talking about the physical eating I'm talking about the spiritual feeding that has to take place everyday. We should have quiet time with Jesus everyday and trust him. We as believers can’t take this lightly. A lot of people will not read their bibles all week long and when Sunday morning arrives they have to wipe the dust off of there bible. Then they go to church and expect to hear from God. God may or may not speak to them and they think it’s the Pastor. They think he is not giving them what they need to here. When all week long they have put God’s word on the shelf! They have starved themselves! This will cause you to be blind to the truth! My Pastor said one time that a 99% commitment to Christ is 1% to short. I believe that with all my heart! He wants all of us not our leftovers! A song that sticks out in my mind is "Surrender All". Can you sing that song and mean it? Or is it just words? You see Jesus said he would rather you be either Hot or Cold not Luke warm. He said he would spew you out of his mouth! That’s not a good thing when the creator of everything says he would spit you out of his mouth! We need him in our life. Life without Jesus is impossible we must give him everything. We were not created for our purpose he made us for his purpose! Read Proverbs 19:21 it’s his plan not ours that will succeed. All we have to do is be a willing vessel. Are you willing to give everything to him? You can do it with his help not on your own! Is today the day you give it all away? Have a great day! Love You Jason)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Forgive Part 1?

“When they came to the place called Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals-one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”(Luke 23:33-34, NIV) The last thing Jesus taught was to forgive. He had been abused and rejected when He came to die in our place, yet He still chose to forgive. He could have forgiven us without a word, but Jesus chose to say it out loud. Is there someone you need to forgive today? Remember in order for us to receive mercy we have to show mercy! Jesus Christ Rocks I Love Him!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In God we TRUST!

Hello! Trusting God is a great adventure. He initially ask us to offer up all that we hold dear and find security in, for the sake of following him. In Genesis 12 we learn this through 2 commands God gives Abram “Leave” and “Go”. Take some time to study Genesis 12 and pay close attention to what God told Abram! Was Abram disobedient or did he trust God enough to just do it? Did he give God the Heisman or did he do as he was instructed? Did he “Leave” and “Go”? Is there an area in your life that you need to leave or is there a step you need to take closer to God? Wrestle with these questions I did and it rocked me! Enjoy your day!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Real Man or NOT!

Have you ever noticed how our society has a way of turning things upside down? The gender roles are a good example. The feminist movement during the last three to four decades has tried to make women more like men, and men more like women. It has equated equality with being the same. Men have lost their identity. Being a man is not sleeping with as many women as you can(THAT”S A DOG) or hanging out with your buddies at the bar or better yet let’s take it a little farther, being a Man is not surfing channels on TV and barking orders at your wife and kids and this usually happens on Sunday’s! A true man as described in the bible is a man who is willing to love our wives as Christ loves the church. (Ephesians 5:25) That means even dying for her. That is the love God expects out of us! Have you loved lately? Be a Man and lead your family! More than anything love God!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Random Thoughts!

Hello to all! I am fixing to head off to a wedding! So what do I think makes a great marriage? The first thing is Jesus Christ has to be the center of the relationship! The second thing is you gotta have a date night, a lot of couples say I do and then they don't anymore! Third thing The Man is the leader so Men lead, and Women submit yourselves to your Husband(Jesus said that) but don't be a door mat, your husband must submit to God! The fourth and final thought and it may seem a little straight forward but that's just me HAVE AS MUCH SEX AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN! SEX WAS CREATED BY GOD AND ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING WITHIN MARRIAGE! SO MAKE SOME BABIES OR YOU CAN JUST PRACTICE THAT'S THE FUN PART!!! LOVE JASON, DO SOMETHING RADICAL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wait Part 2!

Now for Part 2 on WAIT this is also by Craige Lewis! Here we go are you ready, this is off the chain!...... The problem with waiting is a lot of times based on what you are waiting for. Although the scriptures tell us plainly that if you wait on God you will be exalted and shall inherit the land, we must realize that this should not be the reason we wait! You don’t wait on God just because you know that if you do, he will exalt you one day. If you do that, then you will find yourself with the “Look at me now” complex and you will seek to get from God for your own glorying purposes. You should wait because during the waiting period, you can learn of him and be close to him. God wants a relationship with you, not based on what he can do for you, but what he means to you! We are taught so much that we should give with expectancy or we should wait knowing that in due season we will be exalted. And even though these things will happen, we should not seek them to happen. That is a very selfish way to live and you will not reap the benefits of knowing God intimately if you live only for what god will do to you. God wants people to have the attitude like the 3 Hebrews boys. They knew God could deliver them, but there attitude was, “if he doesn’t” we want bow! They loved God to the point that they didn’t care what happened and that’s why he exalted them. God has a great blessing for you and much in store for you. I’m a living witness that if you wait on him and his perfect plan for your life to unfold, he will bless you. But while I waited, I never looked for the day he would exalt me. I only desired to be close to him and because I got close enough to be trusted by him, he blessed me tremendously. Please people of God, hear my heart. It’s definitely okay to know that things will get better for you. But please make sure God is more important to you than your own desires and accomplishments. Make sure you are not using God for what you feel he can give you, but you are serving God because you love him and want to do what’s right!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wait Part 1!

This guy (Craige Lewis) is off the chain and there are 2 parts to this devotional reading. The title is WAIT so let’s jump right in this morning! Psalms 37:34 Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it. How many times have you gone to a restaurant to eat, but once inside you heard there was a long wait so you left and decided on something else? Or what about having something in your hand at the register of a store, but putting it down and deciding to do without it because the wait to check out was so long. Have you done this before? Well, those times are very understandable and you can always eat there a less crowded night, or buy that thing somewhere else. But in our get it quick society, there are times when we make huge mistakes in the spirit realm because of our lack of patience. We begin to get anxious for things and we want to move the hand of God by our actions rather than wait on his divine plan. Our human nature craves things instantaneously and this can cause us to make some big mistakes in our walk with Christ! Abraham had Ishmael because he couldn’t wait on Isaac. And many of us are constantly giving birth to illegitimate visions, ministries, and churches because we could not wait on God’s plan instead we try to do it and it fails! We got out of his line and did something else because the wait was too long or we just basically decided to go somewhere else to get what we felt God wanted for us. This is not a good place to be in. Although our flesh cries out for certain things, we must learn the first attribute of Love which is patience. If you truly Love God, You will seek his face and wait to do things in his timing not your own! God hit me with this last night that’s why I had to Post it! Wait Part 2 comes Tomorrow Thank you Connie for being obedient, it rocked my world! With Love Jason

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Look Up!

When you placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your ETERNAL Savior, God forgave all the offenses you committed against him, adopted you in his AWESOME family and gave you an inheritance that he, himself, stands guard over in Heaven for you. God also filled you with the presence of the Holy Spirit, who has energized you for special service to God and ministry to everyone your life touches. This makes you special to God both relationally and functionally. Some days if your in ministry you may feel like giving up or like everything you touch doesn’t go as planned! Press on and move forward like Jesus did, carrying the cross wasn’t an easy task either. He could have stopped every time he got spit on, mocked, beaten and just give up, but his Passion to do what only he could do “save the world” gave him the very strength to keep going! So when the days seem long remember you are a child of the most high and he reigns over everything. There is nothing our God can’t do, I’m living proof! I deserve hell but he shows me mercy, thank you Jesus Christ! To all my peeps I Love each and every one of you remember ONE LOVE, ONE GOD, ONE WAY(John 14:6) with Love for all Jason!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm going to post this one more time your replies and results were great so send this on to as many people as you know! Well, good evening everyone I want to write on a subject that is heavy on my heart, Christmas for the needy! Statistics show that 83% of Americans spend too much money around Christmas time. I’m convinced that most of those people buy gifts for people that are a waist of money and will never be used! So I had a thought while some might not like it I wish people would respond to it! Instead of buying things for people that are not in need, buy for people that don’t have anything. There are Children and Families out there that will not have anything this Christmas and guess who can make a difference YOU and ME! If you contact organizations within your community they will need items for people throughout the holidays! Lets make a difference this holiday season in the our community and this Nation! With as much as this country has their is no excuse why people should be on the streets cold and hungry! It just doesn’t make sense to me! If you would just sponsor one family it would make a huge impact in many peoples lives! I pray that this message sweeps this nation! Forward or email to as many people as possible PLEASE! Love Jason

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Predictions on College Football Games Today!

Pittsburgh 24- UConn 17............Boston College 17- VTech 23...............Florida 35 - Bama 21........Mizz 21-Oklahoma 45.......Cincinnati 56-Hawaii 24..........USC 55-UCLA 10 That's my picks for today HAVE FUN TODAY DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! I'm out!!!!! Putting up Christmas Tree woooohooooo!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saving Grace!

What's up! I pray your having a blessed day. I'm going to jump right in this afternoon to Acts 11:23 It says that Barnabas came and saw the grace of God. I wonder what the "grace of God," looked like. I bet it looked like what scripture said it did!! "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and Godly in the present age."(Titus 2:11-12) "God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6) " But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not i, but the grace of God which was with me." (1 Corinthians 15:10).......Barnabas witnessed the grace of God in the Church of Antioch because he saw righteousness, humility and labors of love in the people of God. Grace is not simply an invisible blanket of God's mercy that covers us when we sin. Grace is the visible empowerment of God to save us from sin. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."(Ephesians 2 8:9)........A life that is lived in the grace of God will be one that says no to unrighteousness, that is humble and that is able to accomplish more than anything we can do in our own human strength for the glory of God. As a believer, those looking on at our lives should be able to see the grace of God. We all share the same spirit full of Grace, Mercy, and Love! Can others see the grace of God in your life? Wrestle with that I did that's why I wrote on this issue have a great day and let your light shine love Jason!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


"Life is like a box of chocolate you never know what your going to get so don't be surprised and eat it anyway" Life is very hard at times but Jesus is Lord of Lords! I hope everyone has a blessed day and remember ONE LOVE, ONE GOD, ONE WAY that's the bottom line cause Jesus said so!!! John 14:6 God Bless You! Love Jason

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tiger Nation.....

Well good morning to all and I want to talk about something close to my heart this morning "Clemson Football". I am absolutely pumped about Dabo Swinney getting the Clemson job! I think he is a Great Man and a Great Leader, he is a man of Faith and will not hesitate to talk about his beliefs to you! He is also a Great recruiter and I love his Passion on the sideline that has been something missing from this program for 10 years or longer and it's great to have it back! He will totally reorganize and change the way Clemson Football is viewed by the sports world! Let's face it we as Clemson supporters hate the way anouncers downgrade us as a team that chokes! However we over the past 10 years have blowed some big time rankings and totally slipped out of the ACC Championship picture! I know you say we have been so close which is true but almost only counts in horseshoes! I am tired of being close how about you! Let's back Dabo and watch Clemson Football become a national powerhouse like it was in the 80's! Go Tigers Yaba-DABO-DOO

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Some of my favorite sayings!

1) The power to believe provides the power to change! 2) Don't dream alone dream together! 3) Now for my favorite quote from Matthew Barnett "Great men are ordinary men who never give up"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

True Leadership!

The true leaders are people who never set out to be leaders. True leaders don't elevate themselves. Instead, the people elevate them. Some young men make a mistake in ministry by forcefully proclaiming that they are leaders. In fact, they love the power; they love to have authority and control over people because their egos get a boost. But they fail to realize that the power is not for them; it's for serving others!(Matthew Barnett said it all in his book "The Church That Never Sleeps" and I think he said it well!)

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Flow of Water!

Does your life feel dry at times? Are you beat down and tired from the things of this life? Have you taken wrong measures to satisfy your life? Those are just a couple of questions I want to ask before I launch into this post! Man-made religion never satisfies; only God provides the Living water that can quench our thirst in this life. His invitation is open to anyone who gets thirsty. To hunger and thirst for the water that Christ gives is to hunger and thirst for the things of God and for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. With our Lord there is no waiting for the water our souls require and need! Anyone can drink of this water that gives life! How do we drink the water? When you come to the water you are coming to a person. You must come on God's terms, and you have to yield yourself by faith in order to get the water! The release of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life, however, is conditional- we must believe, receive, and then glorify Christ through our lives! Jesus must be loved, honored, and exalted. Jesus is saying that the part of us that is never satisfied, the part of us that craves so much, becomes, when we receive this water, the part that is satisfied. Our unfulfilled desires can become fully satisfied by the indwelling Spirit of Christ in our lives. Furthermore, the satisfaction that comes to us in Christ overflows to others(John 7:37-38)! Power and overflowing joy are the characteristics of great drinkers of the spirit. But the inspiring irony in this is that we never experience satisfaction, as we are meant to, until our lives give satisfaction to others. I don't know about you but helping others fills me up! I have a dream and through Christ it can happen! A 24 hour Church in Anderson, It bothers me that the homeless and the addicted have no place to go for shelter, rehab, and most of all somewhere they can feel the presence of Power and Love in Christ! There are over 300 churches in this county and none of them are open at night to help those in need! We need a place for all people to come! The church is not a place to gather in a Holy Huddle its a body that needs to be effective! I'm out Love Jason

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thank You God!

Wow! Today was Awesome! Street ministry went as planned and was a success. The streets were very crowded and we had a blast spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus for choosing us to spread the good news. Thank you Tommy for your servants heart, you done a great job today! Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving I would challenge everyone to read 1 Chronicles 16:8 and apply it to your life! As I sit here and reflect I have so many things to be Thankful for here is a short list; Jesus Christ, a GREAT Church, a WONDERFUL family and great friends. Now for some more things Heat, Air Conditioning, food, car, house, a toilet thanks be to the inventor of plumbing, clothes, and WATER,which is hard to come by in Anderson! I pray God Blesses us with lots of rain! I pray everyone of you have a great Thanksgiving and God Bless BE PASSIONATE, Jason

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The last days!

Hello! I have one question to ask... here it comes.. are you ready?! If today was the last day of your life what would you tell the world? Here is what I would say.. and I am about to piss some people off and I really don't care! I would tell everyone to watch out for liars, theifs, and the world's worst-cut throats! Ok liars, you are so scared of the truth.. that you even lie to yourself! Now to the thief, you need a big smack in the mouth for taking something that does not belong to you! And for my most HATED types of people THE OLD FAMOUS CUT THROATS.. these are the people that get off on other peoples failures! You would rather see someone fall than stand.. and brother or sister that's WRONG! These people don't have a life (by the way.. they would if they would ask Jesus, He would rock their world!). So they try to mess up other peoples' lives! They too need to be smacked in the mouth! I would tell the pastor that preaches racism that HELL IS HOT! I would tell the Government of the United States to turn back to God because right now we have our back to him and everyone wants to know why the economy is failing and why the crime rates have skyrocketed! I would tell all of those people out there who say ABORTION is ok to actually go in and watch the procedure of a fetus getting sucked out of the womb and the very life God created being put to death.. MURDER! Oh! This ticks me off! So its ok to go out.. spread your legs.. enjoy sexual pleasure.. conceive a child.. and then just because you don’t want the child.. abort it?! You know, I wonder how people like this sleep at night! I wonder howthe businessman from Greenville could walk in a prostitutes room.. sleep with her on his lunch break, and then go back to work.. call his wife.. take her out that night, AND THEN sleep with her and think that's ok! Folks this is reality. We see it every time we go to G-Vegas to do outreach and it makes me very angry! I want to tell the real men in the world to please STEP UP AND LEAD YOUR FAMILIES! Women you were created from man for man. YOU SHOULD RESPECT MANS AUTHORITY IF HE IS LEADING! IF NOT KICK HIM WHERE IT HURTS AND TELL HIM TO WAKE UP! This world needs help and the types of people I just talked about can't help it! They will continue to do their father's work.. THE DEVIL.. he is the KING OF LIES! To the people out there who just got PISSED you might need to self evaluate the way you live! Is it for SATAN or JESUS CHRIST? Are you HOT or COLD? OOOOH! I know it hurts.. suck it up and admit it! You can't be luke warm! ALL THIS WAS OUT OF LOVE FOR YOU! THAT IS THE WORLDS PROBLEM THE DONT TALK ABOUT REALITY AND ADDRESS TRUE ISSUES!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Please Read!

Well, good afternoon everyone I want to write on a subject that is heavy on my heart, Christmas for the needy! Statistics show that 83% of Americans spend too much money around Christmas time. I'm convinced that most of those people buy gifts for people that are a waist of money and will never be used! So I had a thought while some might not like it I wish people would respond to it! Instead of buying things for people that are not in need, buy for people that don't have anything. There are Children and Families out there that will not have anything this Christmas and guess who can make a difference YOU and ME! If you contact organizations within your community they will need items for people throughout the holidays! Lets make a difference this holiday season in the our community and this Nation! With as much as this country has their is no excuse why people should be on the streets cold and hungry! It just doesn't make sense to me! If you would just sponsor one family it would make a huge impact in many peoples lives! I pray that this message sweeps this nation! Forward or email to as many people as possible PLEASE! Love Jason

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Good!

The Gospel by its very name means “Good News.” It is considered Good News because it announces there is a solution for man’s greatest problem. We know that this “Good News” is received by faith in the grace of God. Forgiveness is not something we earn or even could earn although many people believe that lie! Forgiveness is a gift that we receive. The greatest need you and I will ever have is the removal and forgiveness of our sins(Thank God for that) Knowing that our sin eternally separates us from a Holy God puts into perspective the great gift God offers to those who will receive it by faith(JESUS). Unfortunately, many people think they can replace the gift of God by doing good works and make it to Heaven. Newsflash that can’t happen! Satan spends much time trying to get people to believe just that, because if he can trick people into believing this lie he’s got them! Remember apart from Christ no man can be saved. If we were all honest with ourselves we are not good people. I know I’m not. I’m just a crazy white boy that Loves Jesus! Remember doing good apart from Jesus is impossible! I Love all of you very much have a great day I’m off to work in just a few, Jason!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Good for you or Him?

Wow what a devotional this morning and I just have to share it with the world! I would like to start by asking a question. Is it possible for a human being to do good things? Jesus said in scripture Romans 3:12, NIV “There is none who does good, no, not one.” You know that depends on who defines doing good. If by doing good we mean doing nice things or even moral things as a part of a responsible human society, then human beings can do good things. If by doing we mean things we do which God can call good, then human beings cannot do good things on their own at all PERIOD! Romans 3:12 is the higher definition of doing good its Gods view! For someone to do something God would call good, three things must be true. 1. The good must originate first in God not man! 2. The good comes from God to a willing person, in my opinion someone really obedient! 3. The goodness leaves the person willing to serve God’s purposes not mans! This is why Jesus did so many good things. His whole behavior, in God and for God. He lived constantly as a man doing only the will of God nothing more nothing less! He completely released all of the goodness of God in him to SERVE his Father’s purpose on earth. As Christians, we can do good by believing in Jesus. Believing is our willingness to be ready and waiting. When we continuously believe in Jesus, God is able to allow us to do the good works he desires for others. Jesus said, “He who believes in me, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37) Now that is really doing good things! As I look in John 15:4 Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing.” Trying to do good without Jesus is impossible. Once again we do good only as we continuously believe in Jesus! I will close with 2 questions you need to answer for yourself. Do you desire to do good things everyday? Who should get the credit for all the good you do? I hope this hit home to you. It was lengthy but I felt I needed to share it so have a Jesus filled day and look up and smile! Jesus LOVES you! I’m out

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Building with the Church inside!

Wow! God has really been hitting me hard over the past month about starting a 24 hour Church! It drives me insane to see Churches everywhere with nice facilities and not using them properly! Over 4% of the people in Anderson are homeless, or have drug related issues! There is not one Church open 24 hours a day. We need a Church that will shelter the homeless, comfort the needy and provide a way out to those who want to drop the addiction! I was in Anderson last week and i seen something that rocked me to the core. A Mom and 2 kids on the streets no where to go, and nothing to eat. The kids hardly even had clothes that fit. This breaks my heart because many of us could do so much to help but no one seems to care. Well i do and its time to step it up its by Gods grace that's not me that is homeless or drug addicted and the same goes for you! There are many Churches helping in the community and food banks as well as rehab facilities and thanks to you! What would happen if God blessed Anderson SC with a facility that combined all of these into one! UNITY THAT'S WHAT! As you read you may say this guy is crazy and i would say to you "No I'm not my God is HUGE!" Philippians Chapter4! I Love you so much and i can't wait to see what God does next! Thanks to Matthew Barnett and the Dream Center you have changed my view of what Church is all about!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today in Anderson SC!!!!!!!

Today was the first official day of prostitution and water bottle ministry in Anderson! It was AWESOME and we came in contact with lots of people! I was blown away at how much foot traffic there is in the areas we went to. People got to see Love first hand when we give them water and some word(AND I DON"T MEAN TELLING THEM THEY ARE WRONG AND GOING TO HELL EITHER) Just telling them there is HOPE and a GOD(Jesus) that loves them! I'm pumped Thanks Chad and Tommy for your support! Jesus is the only one who can CHANGE AMERICA not our PRESIDENT! Oh and by the way Pray for all our leaders instead of bashing them! Obama is a human before he is a President! Enjoy your day IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Jason

Monday, November 3, 2008


H. olding O. n P. eriod E. veryday thats what hope really is! There are days I get up ready to go for Jesus and days I just feel ineffective for the kingdom. Life is a challenge and no matter what it throws your way have H.O.P.E! It will get better for a while and then another Storm happens! I've come to realize I will always be in the middle of what I like to call "LIFE STORMS" I'm just glad I have an ANCHOR. Jesus is the best he never lets go! Our SAILS may be torn but the Anchor always holds! Live with H.O.P.E; Dream Big; Live Like you only have one day left! Even when LIFE HAPPENS!!!!!!! Love you Guys and Gals I'm out, off to work! Jason

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hello! Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Just to give everyone an update I have been wide open for the past 2 weeks. I haven't had time to blog, I have been working in the house on several projects! There is one thing I have learned in fixin things around the house, It's never to broke to be fixed! The same thing goes for our lives there is always room for repair but sometimes we need to be completely Over hauled! Life is HARD but JESUS is IN CONTROL and HE LIVES! So who is your repair man, YOURSELF or The CREATOR? He knows more about you than you do!(JESUS) I love all you guys and gals! The streets of Anderson here we come Monday the Anderson Prostitution ministry starts! WOW IM PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family and Parenting!

The one thing I am in AWE about tonight as I sit here behind this computer is how awesome of a family God has blessed me with. I have the most beautiful woman on the planet and 2 precious kids who make me smile every time I lay eyes on them. I have the best Mother in Law in the country and my Father in Law to be is one of the most incredible people I have ever met! My Mom and Sister are very supportive of me and my decisions! My Mom was a single parent raising 2 kids and she had it rough but with the help of an almighty God she made it through the toughest of circumstances! I Love her very much. My Dad wasn’t their and if there is one thing I learned from him it’s what not to be! As I look around I see no Men I see boys. I see egotistical, all about them, their way or no way boys. Where are the Men in the world and to be honest I see a lot of girls and not many Women. Statistics show that Women walking out on their kids and husbands is getting more common. There is a Man I work with that is raising 2 kids and he is AWESOME! His wife walked out over 2 years ago and left him with 2 kids under the age of 3 to raise by his self! So it goes both ways! Quality time is very important to your children! That play station are toy you bought them will fade away but the time you spend with them is PRICELESS! Fathers of daughters please listen to me tell your daughter she is beautiful all the time! If you don’t the some PUNK will! She looks for the qualities in a man that she learned from you, so be the best Father you can be! If you are the Mother of a Son teach him how women want to be treated and show him what a real woman is like so he will look for great qualities in his future wife! Life is Hard but Jesus conquered Life so you could Live! SO START LIVING! That’s all folks Love yah! Jason

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hearing our CRIES!

Whats going on to all my peeps out there! I am going to be blogging about God hearing our cries and defending his people. You know i don't have to tell you life is HELL sometimes! Life is what happens why your making plans! We all have our own issues and problems and I will be the first to admit to you I'm a screwed up individual. However I think God uses screwed up people to reach the lost! If you don't believe me read the Bible! Back to our lives and God hearing our call for help, our cries begging him to get us out of a mess we may or may not have created! As I read scripture I see an AWESOME verse and I have to share it with you. Psalm 10:17-18 "You hear,O lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and oppressed, in order that man , who is of the earth, may terrify no more."You see God hears our cries and he will always be here to encourage us as believers! Life makes no sense to us sometimes! We lose people we love, we lose jobs when we least expect it, we have multiple unexpected bills pop up out of nowhere! We have friends and family who we love dearly who just can't seem to grasp the Gospel! Jesus did say "In this life we will have trouble" he meant every word to! I have been through a very rough abusive childhood, I have battled depression for years, I am no different than many of you out there we all have something going on in our life! It's never easy but there is one thing I do know Jesus is REAL and he has helped me through some tough times and situations! I Love Jesus so much! I can promise you one thing Jesus Christ is the TRUTH and if you follow his teachings and apply the things you learn you will always have HOPE! So you may feel like today your far from God and he doesn't hear you NEWSFLASH he does, so seek God today he loves you very much and only wants the best for you but he also wants the best from you! With Love to all!!!!!! Jason

Monday, October 13, 2008


Wow! what a day! Me and my beautiful wife finished up moving today and cleaned the house! We also put up a dog kennel for our mutt Cletus(He is the best dog ever)well almost my mother in laws Jack Russell is AWESOME! If their is one thing that has been on my mind it's how blessed i am! God has blessed me with so much! I truly don't deserve the air I breathe! I fail God everyday and still he loves me unconditionally! If your a Father you can relate, their is nothing that can make you stop loving your kids! Yeah I hear you! DON'T TELL PEOPLE JESUS LOVES THEM NO MATTER WHAT! sorry HE DOES! Jesus come into the world not to condemn it but to save it! He makes no mistakes and we are all created for his purpose! Life is a BEAST sometimes but GOD IS THE AUTHOR, HE IS LIFE! When in doubt look at the sky, look at the stars, look at the mountains or better yet look in the mirror you are beautiful and God made you! So smile and Thank God today! Remember every set back in life is a set up for a comeback! I Love you to all my peeps!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Moving is a BEAST!

Whats up to all my peeps! Just wanted to let everyone know i have been moving the past week and have not had a lot of time to blog! Im about to go to work and put in 24 hours this weekend! One thing i have learned during the moving process is "If you try to pack it all inside and store it you run out of room" This is true with a storage building and also true in ourselves! We hold stuff in and think it will just go away NEWSFLASH it will not go away, it will destroy you if you don't talk about things that bother you! I am lucky to have a Great Wife and an AWESOME Best Friend whom I can tell anything to because they Love me! Only talk about your personal issues to those who LOVE you! Others will use it against you! Another thing as I look around I see crap everywhere "Moving is a BEAST" and i know i can't clean it all up i will need help! Same thing with our lives we create the mess but Jesus Christ will clean us up! So are you creating a mess today or are you needing a good cleaning, turn to Jesus call on his name and he will save you from your mess! Love you Guys and Gals Im off to work!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Radically Passionate!

Luke Chapter 9 1-9 is Awesome check it out!! “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere. So when Jesus told them to go they went, with NOTHING but the truth he gave them and PASSION to reach out! They done the very thing Jesus told them to do and lives were forever changed! Some times Jesus may tell you to go and it might not make sense to you but from my experience with this every time we go he works and moves in a mighty way! We live for his purpose and not our own! We should wake up every morning ready to go to battle! I heard my best friend say something one time and it rocked my world! He said I’m going to not only be a willing vessel that vessel will be a BATTLESHIP! Wow! Folks if you’re a believer in Jesus Christ (John 14:6) you to are in a battle! Your ammo (Jesus) never runs out, Jesus is the author of the book and he knows how it turns out! Wow that rhymed! So in these verses we see sold out believers taking nothing with them and they went out and spoke the gospel to all cities everywhere! I’m sure they were not welcome everywhere they went and they had critics and jealous people on their case all the time! Sound familiar if you’re a Pastor or just a Sold Out Believer you can relate! We must never listen to people we know don’t love us! Love does not ENVY! We must never let criticism control our thoughts! If you do what God tells you to do that’s all that matters! Remember you will not stand before a committee or your critics, YOU WILL STAND AND ANSWER TO GOD ALONE! SO BE RADICAL!!!!!I Love everyone, yes even the critics remember they will one day stand before God as well! I’m out Jason!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What women need!!

I Corinthians 13 4-7 says “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5 It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs.6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” That is the true definition of Love! I would like to speak to just the women today! Men you can also learn some things from these verses and hopefully from this posts! Women you are beautiful, you were made by God and everything he makes is beautiful! Women you do not have to settle for a self righteous, egotistical, disrespectful man who just wants to get in your pants! Yes I went there so get over it!! Women REAL MEN are hard to find however they are out their! I know you think I want a man who will just treat me with respect and LISTEN for a change! That is what most woman want but you also need to look for qualities and integrity! He should be patient with you, kind to you, not proud of himself! (More than likely if he is all about him you want be able to change that!) He should never be rude or easily lose his temper with you! (If you notice this kind of behavior run at first sight and never look back!) You should feel protected, trusted, and pursued by him! If he says he’s going to do something and does it that is what I call great integrity! Ok now that most men are pissed at me I will just keep writing! Women do not settle for just any man God has created a special man for you! I want you to know you are BEAUTIFUL! The world will tell you many lies and that you’re ugly may be one of them! Or maybe you feel fat and the world tells you if you look like the AIRBRUSHED FAKE MODELS you see on the cover of magazines and on TV with 20 pounds of make up on and fake lips, breast, etc…. The list could go on and on! Just know you were created by a PERFECT GOD and he makes no mistakes! Be yourself and Love will be closer than you think!!! Remember Men are Jerks! Ok not all but in my opinion most! No APOLOGIES Jason!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Throwing Darts!!!!

Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”(NIV) This verse really means a lot to me for one I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! For two I love the Apostle Paul he is Awesome! He reached the whole city of Ephesus without internet, a car, cell phone, and a computer he was the man!!!! Jesus Christ did many great works through Paul! I believe with all my heart he can do the same thing through us as believers and seekers! We must seek God with all of our being, not just a percent of ourselves, all of ourselves! You see we who are in Christ have no condemnation “Romans chapter 8” it rocked my world! So why do we as Christians hold back when it comes to serving God? Here are some of my opinions or should I say things I myself have done! We are scared of what people may say or think about us! I learned a valuable lesson, as long as you let what people say about you control your thoughts you will never be happy! It’s a fact of life someone will always tear you down or should I say talk bad about you! Another thing Serving Jesus Christ is a dangerous thing, you will never be comfortable, because if you ask God for his will over your life remember its his will not ours!! The last point and then I’m going to move some furniture yeah! When you are in ministry you have a bull’s eye on your back! People would rather see you fall than succeed! That’s just another example of how negative of a world we live in! So if you have a bull’s eye on you someone will be throwing darts at you! To bad, they are in darkness, they can’t see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys! Shout out to Chad, Tommy, Brandon, Alden, Pastor P, Josh, Cherie, Kim, Kelly!!!!! Have a blessed day!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Wow i am fixing to be on my way to work and i just had some random thoughts i felt like sharing! Today at my home church we will be tailgating and having one of the most incredible baptism services of all time! With over 500 people already signed up to get dunked for Jesus it blows my mind! These people are going public for Christ and that JACKS ME UP! I will be moving this week on Friday, that should be fun! Thankfully i have got 2 great friends that are going to help! Life is GREAT, GOD is AWESOME, and im to BLESSED to be STRESSED! I will be praying for our Church Staff today and about the Baptism! Also this Wednsday we will be hitting the streets harder than ever! With a goal to reach over 1,000 people for Christ! Hey IT WILL HAPPEN! I SERVE A HUGE GOD! A couple shout outs Chad I gotcha man! Tommy and Brandon I gotcha to! We will shake up the community of Greenville on Wednsday! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh! one more thing Go COCKS Im pulling for you because my Clemson Tigers are not playing this week at least will win! HA HA with love Jason!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Debate!

Hello! Will someone please talk about the policies and quit trying to prove the other candidate wrong! We as Americans need leadership and leaders don’t downgrade each other constantly! The commercials make me sick! Talk about what you will do as President and not about a vote that happened 5 years ago! THE PAST IS THE PAST! Its clear we as Americans need new policies and new leadership! Our country is so greedy I’m shocked we have not already went into a depression! God chose to bless this country and now we want to turn our back to God! Our nation supports Gay Marriage our leaders are taking prayer out of schools, and standing for Abortion ITS MURDER!!!!! and take in god we trust off of our money, then who will we trust in OURSELVES! We will surely fall then! With no apologies Jason!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Good morning or evening wherever you are! Today was a difficult day for me. I seemed to be in a funk all day! However I still did what God told me to do, to go spread the good news about Jesus Christ! You see its days like today when Jesus moves like never before! It had to be all him because I felt like crap!! Hey I’m just being real with you! They are days when I wake up and I don’t even want to get out of bed! You have probably had days like that yourself. I remember one morning in particular I was getting ready to do Outreach and I felt like crap! So I told myself I’m not going to go and the Holy Spirit convicted me almost as soon as that thought entered my mind. It spoke and said “What if I (JESUS) had of said, you know I don’t feel like going to the cross today I will just wait!” WOW I felt like 2 inches tall after that one! So I went and WOW, we reached over 300 people that day! It wasn’t me, because like I said I didn’t feel like doing it! It was all Jesus! He has gotten me through so many tough times and days of my life! Right now I just want to tell him THANK YOU! THANK YOU JESUS FOR CHOOSING ME. I DIDN”T DESERVE IT! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Headed to G-VEGAS!!! IM PUMPED!

Headed to Greenville to do street ministry! Please pray for me this morning! We will be going inside of harms way to one of the most dangerous locations in the upstate of South Carolina! God will protect us and im believing lives will be forever changed today! Your prayers will definetly help! I would like to say good job to Tommy and Brandon who started up the Iva, SC ministry it’s going great and exploding at the seams! Anderson is next and we are getting close to expanding to other cities as well! Jesus is Awseome I will give an update tonight of how today went!! With Love Jason!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Moving=Hard WORK!

Hi everyone today has been fantastic! We sold our house so now the packing and planning has began! Wow is all i can say, its work! There is always something to do when it comes to moving. I wish i could say its not stressful but that just not realistic! Its very stressful and time consuming! We are a family of four so there is alot of stuff! Me and my wife are not pack rats we give stuff away all the time and we still have lots to pack! As I pack I can’t help but notice how blessed I am! Here in this nation we have so much to be thankful for. That’s one thing helping me with my stress level is being thankful for what I do have! Well getting ready for Datenight with my wife so have a great rest of your day! One LOVE, One GOD, One WAY! JESUS CHRIST!!! I love you guys and gals Jason!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Financial Freedom!

It’s been so amazing to see God move in my life as well as my families lives lately! I will not be blogging as much over the next month. I will be moving, we have sold our house and we are making a lot of huge financial decisions! Me and my beautiful wife have been working on and sacrificing to get completely out of debt over the past 18 months! As God moves we are getting closer to financial freedom! I’m so excited and pumped up I can hardly be still! Debt freedom is something you rarely see in America. You know what I mean! Everybody gets credit cards, house payments, car payments and most families can’t afford what they buy! With a very unstable economy these things can take a toll on everyone’s lives! I speak from experience, when I met my wife 8 years ago I had $26,000 dollars in loans and credit cards and that’s without a car or house loan! I was young and stupid! Now it’s almost gone and I owe it all to God, he worked through my finances in a mighty way! When you put God first in your finances it works!!!! Now that we are on the subject of debt, there is one thing I want you to know! When it came to paying for our sins, Jesus Christ paid it all on the cross. He covered the past, present and future sins of the world! All we have to do is accept his payment and believe in him! That’s what I call true debt freedom! I love all of you out there and remember GOD IS LOVE!!! I’m out to pack up some stuff! Jason. oh! Go to Joe Sangal .com for financial advice! He is on it!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Church spliting hurts! 9-18-08

I talked to a great friend of mine this week and he was so frustrated and confused! His home church split right down the middle this past Sunday! He had been telling me about all the problems they had been having. I have to say I was not at all surprised! Now for the part that ticks me off, he said several weeks ago the directors of the church sat the Pastor down and told him the church was growing to fast. They also told him he needed to slow things down a little! I have to admit this makes my ears turn red! I think growth is great don’t you! He went on to tell me that when they hired this pastor things were bad. No one was there because this church had split 2 times prior. They told this pastor what ever his vision for God they would follow it and could not wait to see it grow! Really, we see that definitely is not the case now. I told him it sounds like to me it was time for new directors, the ones they have sound like to me their full of self-righteousness! You see these types of things have and are happening in churches all across our nation. Leaders get the big head and suddenly forget that Jesus Christ chose them not vice versa! This is destroying lives and hurting people! Some people turn away from God because of these very things! I’ve seen this happen before, a pastor starts a church then the very staff he hires oversteps him! They get so involved in what they want instead of the vision God has set before them! Some churches across our nation are in a state of ruin! I was in a neighborhood the other day and passed 5 churches that were run down and falling in. The thought came to my mind where did the vision go; a vision for Jesus Christ, reaching the lost, building homes, feeding the needy! These are just a few things I personally believe Jesus Christ has called the body of Christ to do! You see people inside churches all across this nation try to tell people how to dress, how to act, what to say, when to say it! I don’t know about you but if I were an unbeliever I wouldn’t want to be in that environment! It happens it’s all true you know it is! I’m tired of this kind of behavior coming from my family The Body of Christ! You see Pastors have began teaching racism from the pulpit and “oh my gosh” have mercy on them lord! If you are racist you need to stop it now Jesus was clearly not racist! I’m on a roll so prepare yourselves I hold nothing back and I don’t care if you like it or not!!!!! The church was started by Jesus Christ; it is designed for the lost, that’s why it exists! To except everyone no matter how they act, what color they are, what their social status is, what they drive, where they live, and even how they smell! Jesus Christ reached out to all and IT IS TIME THE CHURCH IN AMERICA WAKE UP! You see our righteousness is like that of a filthy rag in the eyes of God! Translation a filthy rag when this was recorded in scripture meant a women’s menstrual cloth! Yeah I said it! It’s true, look it up yourself! On our best day we are not even worthy of being saved but still Jesus Christ saves us! Thank You Jesus I pray right now that the Church in this nation will wake up and reach out! Help us Father! I Love You Jason

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

He is all powerful and sufficient!

First let me say ministry went great yesterday and people excepted Jesus as there Savior. Thats what it's all about! Now for my post!I am going to be getting very personal with you this morning. I fail sometimes to do the very thing I’m going to be writing about this morning! If we were all honest many of us fail to do so. You see we limit God sometimes! Jesus is bigger than anything, any problem we face, any unexpected bill we get in the mail, any sickness we may encounter or doctor report we may receive that didn’t go exactly like we wanted it to! So why do we “myself included” limit God in our lives! In all the gospels we see a very familiar story about a little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish! You see this boy had little to offer but when put in Jesus hands he made it a lot! We could look at this story in a lot of ways but one that sticks out to me is how little faith the disciples had! They had been with Jesus and seen him heal the blind, lame and sick but when they seen all these people following behind sit on the mountainside in Galilee, they questioned themselves how will we feed all of them. They looked at a problem instead of a solution! Jesus Christ was sitting right beside them probably resting because he had been teaching all day! Scripture says in John 6:9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” The disciples questioned themselves! This is such a problem in our everyday journey through life. We serve a humongous God and he is all powerful and supreme! So why do we limit him! You see we as believers do the same thing the disciples done. We look at how big our problems are instead of how big God is! We all have done this at one time or another! If you say you have not you probably have a problem with lying! I’m convinced if the disciples had been concerned with feeding there spiritual hunger this problem would not have seemed so big! You see Jesus wanted his followers to seek him for himself, and not for what he could do for them. You see we serve an in control God in an out of control world! We all need to believe that through the lowest of lows we serve the highest of highs! In John 16:33 Jesus said in this life we will have trouble, notice he said we will, not we might! So when a problem comes your way look up and smile for Jesus is with you do not fear! Joshua 1:9 Have a Jesus Christ filled day! With Love Jason

Monday, September 15, 2008

Digging for dirt or gold?

I would like to start out today’s post with a question I think we all need to answer. Are you going for dirt or gold? Please! Let me explain. Encouragement is a great thing; we all like it and want more of it. In a very negative world encouragement is hard to locate. It seems like everyone’s out to get dirt on somebody. We see it in Hollywood everyday, it also happens in the workplace and yes even churches all across this country. The fact of the matter is some people would like to see you screw up more than see you succeed! I know it’s sad but these types of people are not happy and they screw up so much they like to see you screw up just to make them feel better! Thank God not all people are like this! There are still people out their willing to look past the dirt to what’s behind it GOLD! You see gold miners often have to drill through tons of dirt to get to 1 ounce of gold. They are determined to find something great! Lets face it we are all not good people, but we all have positive attributes about us! So realize this, we all have gold behind our dirt but often people would rather see your screw ups than your success! Jesus Christ makes no mistakes and when he created you he created something beautiful and he has an incredible plan for your life. YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! So try today to look at the positives in each other; people you work with, family, friends. Look past the dirt “We All Have It” and look for the gold. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up….” We must encourage not discourage! Let me hit you with a rhyme for one second “You see Jesus is the up not the down. Not the bottom, he’s the top. He’s the left, he’s the right. He’s the go, he’s the stop. He’s the light of the world that never burns out; he’s the author of the book so he knows how it turns out!!!” This rhyme or rap as some would call it is so true. Jesus is the up so look up today. Encourage one another and smile with love in your heart at someone today! Your smile may be the only one they see all day! Well I’m off to G-ville or as my pastor would say G-vegas. I’m pumped lives will be forever changed today through Jesus Christ! With love to ALL! Jason

Friday, September 12, 2008

Alcohol/Stumbling Block?

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone’s morning is going great! I am going to be talking about being a stumbling block today. If you’re a Christian reality is this we all have bulls eyes on our backs, people are just waiting on us to mess up. Here is the kicker it’s not always worldly people either sometimes its people inside the church! So what does Jesus Christ say about being a stumbling block? Are we held accountable for causing a young Christian to fall by our actions? These next verses should answer both questions! Luke 17 verses 1-3 Jesus said “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves.” See we need to be aware of the FACT that non-believers, seekers and even new Christians are watching our lifestyle. Should they be watching us? Absolutely not! But it is a reality! You see people watch Christians to see if they are living as they say they are! In reality some don’t live as they claim to live, notice I said some! We need to be on guard at all times that we don’t cause anyone to fall! I remember when I was a young Christian I had a Godly friend invite me to a Clemson game and the night before we went out to supper! Our conversation was based on Alcohol and what was my opinion on Christians that drink? I was wondering why he asked me this so outright! But I told him alcohol had been a problem for me in my past and that I had actually had some addiction to it and I did not like to be around it! He smiled and said ok that’s cool. Then he asked me what I believe as far as drinking goes? I told him that if a believer wants to have a drink in my opinion its up to them as long as they are not a stumbling block for someone else! Jesus did turn water into wine! YES IT WAS FURMINTED WINE! That was his first miracle! So is it wrong to drink? No! It becomes a sin when you cause someone to fall or indulge yourself in drunkenness! Back to my story that Saturday we went to the game we did not even go near alcohol! Come to find out later, my friend usually had a beer or two while he tailgated before the game, but because he knew alcohol had been a problem for me he chose not to even take me around it! Praise God for him! He was obedient to Gods word and watched himself! He stayed guarded! So I ask you this morning are you being a stumbling block. If you are you may not even know it! Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and follow him wholeheartedly! Please listen to what Jesus said! I Love you Guys and Gals! I’m off to Fusion Warehouse to get ready for tonight lots of teens coming! Jason

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th prayer!

Good morning everyone! Today marks the 7th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. As I woke up this morning I was thinking about what to write today. Today there will be lots of people that remember this day 7 years ago was one of the worst days of there lives! Many lost Fathers, Moms, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, and Uncles as well as close friends. So I want to say thanks to all who helped that dark September morning! Thanks to all of the Fireman, Policeman, and Citizens that risked there lives to help rescue people and Thank you to the ones who lost there lives you are forever remembered! One verse in scripture that fits what happened on September 11th is this one John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” You notice Jesus did not say you might have trouble he said you will have trouble! I remember the week of September 11th like no other week; you could not find a seat in church. People turned to God when that happened and many said why would God let that happen why? God why? I can’t answer this question but I can tell you this, our country has turned our back on God. This country was founded on values and respect and frankly we have lost both! We live in a country that says killing Gods creation is ok. Abortion is murder it’s not ok! We live in a country that has the highest divorce rate than any other country! We live in a country that allows homosexual marriage and that’s not how God intended it! God did not create Adam and Steve, he created Adam and Eve! I am proud of our country on some things but these I am not! We have people starving on our streets and homeless everywhere. Yet we will not help them! We have the best medical facilities and doctors in the world yet no one can afford it! Our county is no longer built on values and God it’s built on GREED! With that being said I pray that our country turns back to God and not away from him! “Father in Heaven I pray for mercy to fall over this country. We don’t deserve it. We have turned our back to you and give you the middle finger! But God we need you now more than ever. I pray for the sins we as a country have committed and Jesus I ask for forgiveness! Help this Nation! I pray that the Church in America wake up and reach out like never before! I pray for our troops that are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and all the others serving our country. Father protect them and guide them! Jesus we need the grace and mercy only you can provide! Please forgive us in Jesus name I pray amen!” Have a great day and do not be PASSIVE today! With LOVE Jason

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Good morning everyone. I encourage you to slow down today and just tell God Thank You. We have so much to be thankful for and sometimes or should i say all the time we rush through our day without a smile on our face and peace in our souls! Stop and listen, Listen to your spouse and your children today. But most of all listen to God, he is everywhere. He is in the wind, the rain, you see his beauty through the flowers and the sunsets. You will be amazed at what you will learn and what impact you will have on others as you go through your day not rushing! So smile and have a Blessed day! Love Jason

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shining bright!!!

Hello! To everyone yesterday was one of the best days of street evangelism we have had since we started doing outreach! People accepted Jesus and we had one man want help he cried out. He had a cocaine addiction and was homeless because of it! Praise Jesus I have a great group of Guys that are willing to put people like this in their program and help them get a fresh start. Thank you Curtis, Brian and all the staff at this blessed facility! We could not do anything without Jesus Christ and people like you who help so much! Now to my Blog entry for the day! In Matthew 5:14,16 Jesus said “You are the light of the world….Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and praise your FATHER in Heaven.” I have some things to ask you about today. These are questions I have asked myself and they have helped me tremendously! Where does light shine the brightest? The closer you get to the source of light the brighter it gets right! Like the sun lights up our world the closer you get to it, it gets brighter and you see the source in which the light comes from. In our case people see us and then see the source in which we do things JESUS! Your light shining starts at home! Leading your family and building strong relationships with your spouse and your children. I myself have made many mistakes in doing just this that’s why I am sharing it with you! A lot of pastors and evangelist put ministry before their family and most men put their work before their family as well. This will split up a family so fast! One thing I have done to help myself with what I call BALANCE. Balance of ministry, family and relationships is I have learned to say no to people when it takes away time from my family. We as MEN are called to lead our families, see 1 Corinthians chapter 7. The next question I have gets a little more personal! Are you letting your light shine in your community? If not get involved today, whether it be just a simple invite to church or something as great as helping someone cut their grass or plant flowers. Their may be people in your own neighborhood who are struggling so bad they may not be able to buy groceries or even keep all the utilities on. Help them I personally think it’s hypocritical to send money half way across the world but we want help our own neighbor who may need help! That bothers me, I see this happen all the time! This is how you see communities cleaned up and rebuilt! I wasn’t raised in a family who put Jesus first or got involved in the community. My parents did not even get things fixed at home first thus it ended their marriage and it wasn’t a pretty sight! Frankly it sucked for me and my sister. You see parents your decisions effect your children more than anyone else! I have had to learn how to build a strong marriage and relationships with my children and my community and it’s not easy but it takes putting God first to do it! Balance is what it’s all about. Folks it’s my PASSION to see my very own family be strong in the Lord and my community cleaned up, right now my community is in a state of ruin! However if people with Passion get together with Jesus leading, we can flip our communities upside down! So are you willing to get involved? Remember it starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ and leading your family! Let your light shine today! Love you people! Jason

Monday, September 8, 2008

What is a Pharisee!

What is a Pharisee? That’s the question I’m going to answer today. During Jesus Christ ministry on earth (which is still at work today by the way) he seen a person or groups of people that kept God in a box of rituals, laws and explanations. These people believed there was no more to be unearthed, revealed or discovered. It was there way or no way. Spiritual fulfillment that led to no questions, no new mystery, and no new promises. Jesus was very clear he doesn’t like this type of thinking. Thinking brings about action. This type of thinking was and still is hypocritical and lacks Love. Pharisees tried to lock people out of the Kingdom of Heaven basically! Jesus despises this type of attitude. He said in Matthew 23:13 “For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them” You see Pharisees think its all about them and the Hell with the rest of the world! You see the Kingdom of God is open to all who will accept the free gift of salvation. When I say free I’m saying Jesus Christ paid yours and my penalty through his crucifixion. A Pharisee is not Kingdom minded they are selfish, bitter, and if they can’t get the glory it’s considered wrong!! WOW! Did anyone pop in your mind when I said that? You see the Church was created for the lost and it takes change and staying in tune with culture to reach them. You have to meet the lost where they are! As long as it’s biblical and the truth of Jesus is being proclaimed it’s not up to us to say what goes on or who comes in! Last time I checked Jesus Christ draws man to him, so he is in charge of who comes and who don’t, not a committee or a Pastor or a Deacon. There are Pharisees all around us, inside the Church and some Preach behind the pulpit! I have seen racism taught which is non biblical. I’ve seen Pastors speak against interracial marriage that’s not biblical. Moses had an interracial marriage by the way! You get my point, things get taught inside the church that are not of God and those speakers will answer to God for leading people astray. So don’t put God in a box today! Love you Guys and Gals!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Love You!

What’s up! I know I talk about love all the time but love means a lot to me. We take the most currently used phrase and just say it. Do you mean it? You have heard it thousands of times “I Love You” lets examine something. Jesus said in the book of Luke 6:27 “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” The first thing we need to notice is the fact that he said “you who hear me!” So we have a choice to listen? Which is the obedient thing to do or do most of us if were honest ignore it. The second principle is “do good to those who hate you.” Wow now that is a hard one! My point is both of the things I have talked about so far are so hard to do. However if they were not important Jesus would have never said this! As hard as it is we as believers must do the very thing he talks about in this verse. Its amazing the results you get when you do this. We can reach out and love on people who hate us and sometimes they wake up and see you’re a real genuine person and they see Jesus all in you. You see when we do street ministry we gat a whole bunch of critics and people that hate us. So we serve those people more than anyone else and I tell you it’s not easy! Jesus said “do good to your enemies” and doing good to them goes beyond words; it takes action and reaching out to our enemies! Jesus commands us to do this very thing! Love is what put Jesus on the cross. He loved us enough to suffer extreme pain for us, physical and emotional. You see he died for his enemies and he said “Father forgive them for they no not what they are doing” wow that’s mercy! We were separated from God and he seen THE WAY to bring about reconnection and peace to our relationship with God. All you have to do is except Jesus and he will give you a love like no other. Maybe you have accepted Jesus and you’re a Christian, but if you’re honest you struggle with loving your enemies and doing good to them. I know I do! Maybe today is the day you write the very people down you don’t like and begin to pray over that list. You will be amazed how this will bring about action in the relationship you could care less about. Pour out love on these people, IT WORKS! “I Love You” is a phrase we really need to understand! It’s more than just something you say all the time it has meaning! Use it with meaning today! That is LOVE! If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ I would LOVE to talk to you about making him your everything! Email me or leave a comment. I will get back to you today! Tomorrow is part 2 “The Pursuit of Love.” Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You think you can do better?

Man something hit me while I was working on Sunday after church. Yes I work on Saturday and Sunday. I have a schedule were I work 11am to 11pm on both weekend days; I’m off all week Monday through Friday. Well not off I have fun raising my 5 month old princess aka my baby girl. She is so fun to learn from and so different from my 5 yr old boy who reminds me of myself. Ok enough about my work schedule back to what hit me. Clemson’s football team took one of the worst beat downs ever. In all the years I've been a fan I have never seen them physically and emotionally be defeated that bad. I predicted a 24-10 score with Clemson winning, man was I off or what. Bama dropped the hammer on them. They were not a #9 team more like a #20 team. Clemson’s not as bad as Alabama made them look. The thing that hit me like a ton of bricks was hearing people say “get rid of Tommy he stinks he can’t beat good teams.” Frankly I’m tired of hearing Clemson fans that say they support the program not supporting the coach. At the first sign of a struggle they immediately say stuff like fire him. Coaching was definitely a factor, the game plan went wrong. In my opinion it was more the players not wanting to win and they didn’t want it as bad as Bama did. Clemson was not physical and laid down from the start. Here is my other point I support Clemson’s coaches and players no matter what the outcome. I support them on the field and off. There are some great coaches and players involved in Clemson’s program. You see as Christians we to screw up daily, if you say you don’t you’re a liar and you need a piece of humble pie! What if Jesus said “You know enough is enough, I get the same results and I’m going to give up? He or she has the resources and the talent to do great things but don’t do what I say to do so the heck with them.” You see Jesus don’t say this; he says nothing can pluck you from my hand and I Love you unconditionally. When in reality we as humans have the mindset to give up on people before we even truly believe in them and support them. So if you think you can do better at coaching Clemson than Tommy Bowden go for it. However remember if you give up on him as a coach you don’t support the team. This is the same thing we do to Jesus sometimes we give up on him. He never gives up on us no matter how bad we screw up! So don’t give up on Jesus, his team is the winning team regardless of our circumstances in life as Christians we win. So have mercy on people who don’t show you mercy. That is one of the many things Jesus did.

Friday, August 29, 2008

True Love!

Good morning to all. I am going to be blogging about the power of Love. I think we could all agree Love is a very powerful thing. If you don’t think so I would tell you you’re a liar! Love is talked about all through the scriptures of the old and New Testament. The cross symbolizes just how much Love God has for you. I’m here to tell you today I don’t care how bad you think you are or how bad what you have done in your life may be. Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally! You see when he died on the cross he died for all the sins Past, Present, and Future. He new everything you were ever going to do and still he loves you! You know the one thing about street ministry and outreach that is the hardest is getting people to realize Jesus wants to help them and save them from the way they are living. The things I constantly here go a something like this. “Man I've done some horrible things and God would never help me or use me”. Or “Man I'm a prostitute or I sell drugs and God will not forgive me for all that”. Let me just set something straight right now both of these are lies from the pit of HELL! God can use anyone he is using me I have had the same struggles as some of these people. I had a drug addiction and alcohol problem, a Pornography addiction etc… He saved me he wiped all of that Junk away! God can use you I don’t care how messed up you may be! Now for another thing that drives me crazy. Some, notice I said some, Churches will not accept these types of people. Because they don’t have good clothes or maybe they stink and have not had a shower because they are homeless. They will not accept them because they are not in a nice car they may have walked to church. They don’t look like everyone else therefore they are not accepted! I don’t know about you but that does not sound like a Jesus filled church to me. It sounds like a Holy Huddle or should I say a Non- Holy Huddle. You see some not all churches make it all about them and they will listen to the teachings of Paul (YOU SHOULD BY THE WAY) and he was a murderer and about as far from God as anyone could be but they won’t open the doors to the lost who like Paul could be transformed and used in a mighty way for the Kingdom of God. This breaks my heart it really does! The reason I know about churches like this is I used to walk in unaccepted and looked down upon by them. Praise Jesus he led me to a Church where I now serve and accepted me the way Jesus did and Jesus worked in my life in a MIGHTY way. He took it all away He planted a Passion in me to reach out to the beat down busted and disgusted people within the upstate and with Jesus we can reach out in a MIGHTY way! We have been in Greenville SC now he is saying go to Anderson and Iva. We are not leaving Greenville we have more Passionate people willing to reach out in Dangerous areas. So Anderson and Iva here we come HELL is getting smaller and Gods Kingdom is already getting Bigger! You see the key element to what I’ve blogged about is LOVE! Are you showing Love to anyone today? How about the person you dislike the most, show them Love. You will be amazed at the results you will get by just showing Love to people the saved and the lost! 1 Peter chapter 4:8 tells us “Above all Love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”. I want to challenge you to read 1 Peter chapter 3 and 4 today. It will rock your world I Love you Folks I’m out to do lunch with my Lovely Wife!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Football and Passion!

I’m going to be blogging today about this year's Clemson Football Team and giving you my Opinion and break down on the games. I used to be more Passionate about sport statistics and football than Jesus but not anymore. If you are struggling in this area putting other things before Jesus and your family balance is the key. You can have fun and enjoy life to the full without being totally consumed by an IDOL! Alright, now for the Blog. This Saturday at 8:00 Clemson will open the season against a young but talented Alabama team. However they will be victorious with a great passing game and good special teams Yeah! I said it good special teams. Final score Clemson 24 Bama 10. I would like to personally thank Tommy Bowden for being a great leader and a Jesus filled individual. He has morals and has handled criticism well over the past 10 years. He has pressed on and made it very clear he will not back down. He and all the Jesus filled coaches and players are already winners in my book and they don’t need to hear good luck. They need to hear be strong and passionate in everything they do on and off the field. Clemson will win the ACC championship this year and go to a BCS bowl! I have never made that statement before. I’m confident it will happen. Remember this is only my opinion! If the Churches in America worked hard off the field and out of the stadium (aka the sanctuary) we could reach people for Jesus like never before! If people were as passionate for Jesus as they are for there football team Churches would need a Stadium for the people there would be so many! By the way Death Valley will one day be filled up with people worshiping Jesus Christ. I’m expecting it and believing it! I’m out have to clean the house Love you folks, Jason

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The streets are calling!!!!!

Today will be great, do you believe that? I’m only 26 years old but I’ve learned a lot about life already. The one thing I’ve learned is to expect great things and believe they will happen! I’m going to be sharing my heart with you today on how to expect even when you don’t want to! I’m one of those guys, what you see is what you get I hold nothing back and the word sugarcoat is not in my dictionary! I’m real and genuine to the core. So here we go. You have probably never heard a Christian say what im about to say. There are mornings I wake up and don’t feel like being a Christian, I feel flat, beat down busted and disgusted. Here is the kicker those mornings come usually when im getting ready to go do ministry work on the streets of Greenville. I remember one morning in particular I drug myself out of bed then dragged on into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. While in the shower I had made up my mind I wasn’t going to Greenville that day I was going to rest! Then the spirit hit me and said “I did not give up on you on my way to the cross so get up and go. More lives will be turned around and souls saved today than any other day since this ministry started.” JESUS got me their. So even though before I wasn’t expecting great things, now I did. Jesus said to expect and believe great things were going to happen! So I went and it was hands down the best day of ministry the 3 of us have had. We reached out to over 300 to 500 people that day all in the name of JESUS several people accepted JESUS as their lord and savior. It rocked and I could not sleep the next 2 days. Here is my point the days you feel like the Kingdom of God can’t use you, the days you feel similar to the way I felt on that Monday morning get up press on and go the reward is great. Seeing peoples lives get changed forever! You can expect even when you don’t want to and then the believing part comes quick. After you see that first person step up and give it all to JESUS. Then the day is set and go go go from that point on and reach reach reach! So if your down and out and feel like crap expect something great is going to happen and believing it might not be so hard. This is to all of those who are sold out believers and to the street evangelist getting ready to share JESUS with the addicts, prostitutes and the homeless. Do it even when you don’t feel like it! For our Lord our God is with us everywhere we go! Read Joshua 1:9 love you guys. I need prayer im going to Greenville this morning again and more lives will be changed. To JESUS be the glory! Have a great day!