About Me
- Jason Ashley
- I am a Husband to the most loving and beautiful woman in the world. I am the father of 3 kids that continue to challenge me in so many ways but they are awesome. I am also a child of the most high God and I am striving to live out The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also Co-Founder of The LOT Project. My home church is Newspring Church Anderson Campus. My prayer for you and I is that we are encouraged and challenged by the writings on this page. Some writings may be stories and some writings may be what God is teaching me from day to day. SO GRAB YOUR FORK AND LETS EAT :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Thanks and Prayer!
I want to write a letter to Jesus Christ thanking him for everything! Jesus i want to thank you for my salvation. I want to thank you for going to the cross and paying a price i should have paid. All i deserve is Hell! Thank you for caring enough about me to give me a new start. Thank you for my Family, my Friends, My wife who is so loving, caring and straight forward. Thank you for an Awesome Home Church where the people are as real as they come. Thank you for the staff there. Thank you for choosing me to spread your good news throughout this community and beyond! Thank you for your financial blessings in my Life! I've learned in a hard way Money means nothing unless you tell it where to go! Thank you for being in control of my finances. I screwed them up for long enough! Thank you for my 2 Children I commit to raise them for your purpose not mine. They are beautiful and i stay in Awe that you would trust me to raise 2 of your Children! Thank you for this Nation i live in you have blessed it so much. Father please forgive our country for all our wrong doing! Have mercy on us! I pray we turn back to you. We as a country have taken our eyes off of you! We are taken you out of schools, life and everything else! Our country kills your creation everyday with abortion! We are voting for same sex marriage. We are the number one pornography selling nation in the world! Please help our nation and I pray the Church steps up and starts addressing the issues that need to be addressed. We can't change the world but you can!
Good morning I hope everyone’s having a great day. Mine has been awesome I just got through feeding my 5 month old. She is growing so fast! You see she depends on me to feed her so she can grow, she can’t feed herself yet. As I think about this it means more to me than just a feeding for my child. You see I know you have heard this over and over again especially if you attend a "Traditional" Church. You hear someone say I left "so and so church" because I wasn’t getting fed there. You see there is a difference when I feed my child. She is not old enough to eat on her own; however we as believers are old enough to know we have to eat. I’m not talking about the physical eating I'm talking about the spiritual feeding that has to take place everyday. We should have quiet time with Jesus everyday and trust him. We as believers can’t take this lightly. A lot of people will not read their bibles all week long and when Sunday morning arrives they have to wipe the dust off of there bible. Then they go to church and expect to hear from God. God may or may not speak to them and they think it’s the Pastor. They think he is not giving them what they need to here. When all week long they have put God’s word on the shelf! They have starved themselves! This will cause you to be blind to the truth! My Pastor said one time that a 99% commitment to Christ is 1% to short. I believe that with all my heart! He wants all of us not our leftovers! A song that sticks out in my mind is "Surrender All". Can you sing that song and mean it? Or is it just words? You see Jesus said he would rather you be either Hot or Cold not Luke warm. He said he would spew you out of his mouth! That’s not a good thing when the creator of everything says he would spit you out of his mouth! We need him in our life. Life without Jesus is impossible we must give him everything. We were not created for our purpose he made us for his purpose! Read Proverbs 19:21 it’s his plan not ours that will succeed. All we have to do is be a willing vessel. Are you willing to give everything to him? You can do it with his help not on your own! Is today the day you give it all away? Have a great day! Love You Jason)
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