Monday, August 3, 2009

Giving God your ALL!

Let me just say before I write anything we at "The LOT Project" give Jesus Christ all honor, all glory, and all praise for what he did through this family's situation. The very fact that he would choose us humbles me as i write this. It all started when I got a phone call at 9:30 pm on a Friday night from a ministry leader here in Anderson. He said "I have a 28 year old single mom who has been in an abusive relationship. She has a nine year old, a 21 month old, and a newborn. She has packed up diapers, wipes, i hamper of clothes, and she is headed to Anderson. That's all she has. She has nowhere to go". He told me that he had called every program and every woman's home in the upstate and that there were no openings anywhere. Then he said something that at the time made my heart scream. He said "You guys are our last hope. Jason, I know you guys can make this happen". So I immediately went to the Lord and prayed "Use us. Have your way with us. Bring your people, together to make this happen." I didn't know how? I didn't know when? I just know Jesus spoke very clear to me and it literally sent chills from my head to my feet. His exact words to me were "I will give you strength, I will give you resources but you are going to have to step up and lead this situation and know that I've got you." I met the mother and the 3 children at Wendy's off exit 19 in Anderson. Seeing those children and that mom in need broke me to the point that I would do anything to help them and that's what I told Jesus! We took them to a local hotel owned by a friend and put them in a room for five days! With some help from other folks we stocked them with food. Then I began looking for a house. I made 1 phone call and boom we had a house. I was told the house needed a lot of work and that if we wanted to redo it we could. So on Sunday we began working on the house. I called all our volunteers, shared the story and they were all in! Many of them dropped everything they were doing, even their jobs (They took days off from work!) and began helping! The Haven of Rest in Anderson replaced the porch. We replaced all the carpet. The bathroom and parts of the kitchen were redone. We painted and boy did we clean. We were able to paint the outside of the home and even landscape the yard! Then came the fun part decorating and moving furniture in for the family. We got the house finished, which only took 4 days (yes I know our God is HUGE!). Other folks were able to fill up the fridge and cabinets with food, cleaning supplies, dishes, pots, pans, Heck everything! It was one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done, but I assure you it was not easy! I learned several things through this. The most important thing I learned however was that God has surrounded our ministry with people that truly LOVE serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We as a ministry are 6 months old and God is doing huge things. That rocks my world! I pray this story encourages you but at the same time challenges you to get out of your comfort zone and trust Jesus to lead you! If it's God"s will, its God's bill. We all do things like this everyday if we unite as one body!!!! Thanks again to all who pitched in to make this happen. This family's life has been forever changed! Check us out on the web @ We are also paying this family's bills for a year so get on board and help us help others! You can donate online and it's safe and easy JUST DO IT! Love you all through the LOVE of Jesus thanks again to all who helped, Jason Ashley.