Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family and Parenting!

The one thing I am in AWE about tonight as I sit here behind this computer is how awesome of a family God has blessed me with. I have the most beautiful woman on the planet and 2 precious kids who make me smile every time I lay eyes on them. I have the best Mother in Law in the country and my Father in Law to be is one of the most incredible people I have ever met! My Mom and Sister are very supportive of me and my decisions! My Mom was a single parent raising 2 kids and she had it rough but with the help of an almighty God she made it through the toughest of circumstances! I Love her very much. My Dad wasn’t their and if there is one thing I learned from him it’s what not to be! As I look around I see no Men I see boys. I see egotistical, all about them, their way or no way boys. Where are the Men in the world and to be honest I see a lot of girls and not many Women. Statistics show that Women walking out on their kids and husbands is getting more common. There is a Man I work with that is raising 2 kids and he is AWESOME! His wife walked out over 2 years ago and left him with 2 kids under the age of 3 to raise by his self! So it goes both ways! Quality time is very important to your children! That play station are toy you bought them will fade away but the time you spend with them is PRICELESS! Fathers of daughters please listen to me tell your daughter she is beautiful all the time! If you don’t the some PUNK will! She looks for the qualities in a man that she learned from you, so be the best Father you can be! If you are the Mother of a Son teach him how women want to be treated and show him what a real woman is like so he will look for great qualities in his future wife! Life is Hard but Jesus conquered Life so you could Live! SO START LIVING! That’s all folks Love yah! Jason