Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Changing Lives!

What a day! I have 4 kids this morning all under the age of 5 years old the youngest 5 months. Wow! It’s been a challenge 2 of the kids are my on whom I have everyday which is awesome. The other 2 are a friends and they are being great! I always said I wanted lots of kids so I’m getting a taste of having 4 small ones running around. I’ve worked with kids at Church along time and I believe I have learned more from them than anyone else. They have no worries and a very free will! We should be more like children Jesus said that! Today I will be talking about things I learned from quiet time this morning and I learn in my everyday life. Enjoy! I hope this challenges you. It challenged me! Changing lives and making a difference! Sounds hard but its not! Sit back take a deep breathe and think who has made an impact in your life? What is it they do that seems to make a huge difference? It may be something as small as a smile everyday when you go into work or as big as someone watching your kids for you to have a DATENIGHT!!!! Yes DATENIGHT it’s very important but that’s another blog for another time. Sometimes we may not realize the impact and are not aware of the difference we make! I encourage you to get involved in your community. If you are currently a member of a church get involved don’t sit on the sidelines and warm the bench! The Coach (Jesus) wants you in the Game! Smile even when you don’t feel like it. Your smile may be the only one someone sees all day! If you are blessed financially and know someone struggling help them out don’t just pray for them! It may be your neighbor or someone else! The money is not yours anyway! There is no greater feeling than serving someone. It feeds your soul. I’m not just talking to the Christians either if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus serving may be what he uses to draw you to him! If you are not a believer I’m telling you to get involved! You may be living in sexual sin, abusing drugs and alcohol using things to feel that void in your life. I know because I’ve been there I am going to get personal with you. Before Jesus saved me I was addicted to alcohol, drugs, and pornography I tried to use those things to make me happy but they didn’t they almost destroyed me! I’m telling you, you’re not the only one who has issues! I’m also telling you. You don’t have to live like that anymore! I don’t know your problems or your issues but I do know a Sinless man who was 33 years old went to the cross and paid the penalty for your sins. We were separated from God and God sent his only son to die for us so that we may have life to the FULL! He was beaten spit on and think about this for a minute nailed to the cross NAILED! For you and I. Then he rose out of a borrowed tomb. You see it was borrowed he wasn’t going to need it but 3 days! That’s awesome! I want you to look back over your life and remember a time where you asked Jesus to come into your Life and make you brand new, you told him you are a sinner and you need forgiveness! If you can’t think of a time the time is now. I would not normally do this but I feel I need to. I want you to pray right now no matter where you’re at DEAR LORD JESUS I ADMIT I AM A SINNER AND I NEED YOUR FORGIVENESS. I BELIEVE YOU DIED ON THE CROSS AND ROSE AGAIN AND IM ASKING YOU TO COME INTO MY LIFE AND MAKE ME BRAND NEW. WASH AWAY ALL MY SINS. FROM THIS DAY FORWARD I WILL FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE THANK YOU JESUS AMEN! If you prayed that prayer right now there is a party going on in Heaven in your name! I would like to help you get involved on taking your next step. If you prayed that prayer I would love to here from you through a comment, an e-mail. I will mail you a Bible if you don’t have one. Jesus is REAL! Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Wow! today has been great. First I would like to share with you how awesome my day has been. I got up this morning and went and cleaned our children rooms at church. My son is so awesome he is only 5 years old but he helped me this morning with everything. It’s amazing how much of a servant’s heart he has to be so young! The highlight of my day was talking with a staff member. I am so thankful for her she always smiles regardless of the situation she prayed for me and rocked my world. We all need people we can count on. We need to pray for them as well. Prayer works! I am telling you it works! I am going to be talking to you today about freedom! My dad has been in Federal Prison since I was 14 years old I am 26 now so it’s been tough not having him there. However I believe with all my heart it saved his life and he is closer to Jesus than he has ever been. He has been on my mind and I want to talk about Prison. It’s a different kind though. I want to talk to you about imprisonment to fear, possessions, lifestyles, and money. Are you in bondage Is it your past that haunts and controls you. I believe Rick Warren made a good point when he said “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” It’s true on this very day it can be lifted from you. Is it fear that holds you back? He also had an awesome definition of fear. Fear is a self imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be! That has been true in my life. One verse has helped me with fear Joshua chapter 1 verse 9. It says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” That’s so true he never leaves. You see Fear can be a lifestyle that is dangerous if you live in Fear you will never succeed! We have to take steps in our daily lives and take them with no Fear. You see possessions control a lot of people’s lives. You see today’s society tells you the more things you have the happier you will be. That is a lie from the pit of Hell. If you count on possessions you will always be empty! I’ve been there trust me. Money is the key factor behind this mindset you think the more money I make the happier I will be this is another lie! I’m not saying it’s wrong to have money or nice things I’m saying if they control you its wrong. Do you need to change somethings? Are you down in the dumps and feel heavy?Are you trying to hide something from God or hide your face from him? I’m going to give you a scripture to read, 2 Corinthians Chapter 3 Verses 15-18. See Jesus can provide freedom! The question is are you willing to ask him for help! I did and he has rocked my world I pray you do the same. Take time to pray for Prisoners today! Especially those who are imprisoned to the things I’ve talked about! I Love You Guys Have a Great Day! Jason

Monday, July 28, 2008


I felt like crap this morning and did not even want to do outreach in Greenville. I wanted to sleep in and be lazy. Here is the deal I made a commitment and had many goals set to achieve today. I thought, what if Jesus while getting spit on and beat beyond recognition would have give up! We would still have no way to God. He didn't he pressed forward and kept getting up every time the Roman soldiers would knock him down. PASSION is what he showed! I got up went to the gym. Me and my wife whom I LOVE VERY MUCH got the kids ready and i was in Greenville at 8:30. I thank Jesus I got up and did not give up! Lives were changed today and people met Jesus for the first time. Jesus also rocked my world today! Oh! and just to let everyone know WE LOVED ON EVERYONE we listened to them and did not throw Jesus in there face. If you let them see Jesus in you through the Love you show. They will open up and pour out there heart to you. Screaming at a lost soul for acting like a lost soul is pointless! Although there is such thing as tough love! Jesus! Remember one life at a time! I Love You Thank You for reading!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Whats up! Im going to work. I will post tommorow. What do you do when all hell comes against you in everyday life? How do we handle pressure? How did Jesus Handle it? answer now he did!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


What’s up world! Jason here to share some things about my day in general and what I learned in my devotional time as well. Today has been great my son has been so good. He helped me with his baby sister she went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month old check up and has been very upset and sore today from the shots. I have been doing clothes, playing games with my son and cooking it’s been a great day. I work on the weekends and keep my kids through the week it gets better and better. Well anyway enough about my day in general. My devotional today rocked my world I read about passion. If there is one thing I love to learn from and apply to my everyday life it’s to be passionate as Jesus Christ. He sacrificed it all to save mankind and make us right with God. All we have to do is except him. He was tempted, spit on, criticized everywhere he went and he still never looked away from his purpose. To die for our sins and make us brand new. I did not like watching my little girl get her 4 shots yesterday she screamed. I felt hopeless I can’t stand seeing anyone in pain especially my kids. Then it hit me her pain was from shots that help protect her from diseases. If she did not get them she could become very sick. She went through pain but ultimately it will protect her in the future. That’s how the people in the world that don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus end up. However the pain they go through they put it on themselves Jesus has already went through the pain for you. They would rather not except the free gift of salvation Jesus offers. They would rather go through hell everyday and use drugs, alcohol, sex. Things they try to fill that void in there life with. I know this because I was one of those people but in February of 2004 Jesus rocked my world and set me free. I haven’t been the same since. He put a passion in me to reach the lost no matter what stands in my way! One question for you and I’m finished do you know Jesus if not I would love to tell you about him and what he did for you. E-mail me or leave me some info in the comment section and I will get back to you. Love You Guys! Jason

Monday, July 21, 2008


Just want to say hello and tell you Jesus Christ loves you! If you are stuck in sin you can't seem to break free from ask Jesus for help he can clean up your mess you can't. Please take time to check out the skit on my blog page its on my video bar. It rocked my world!!!!!!!!!! Love, Money, Alcohol, Sexy, Satan aka the deceptor!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Hello! I did not have time to blog this morning. Im about to go to work 12 hours and then Church comes in the morning. I can't wait to see what Jesus is going to do next in my home community. Have an awesome evening and tell your family you love them. They never get tired of hearing that! Love you guys! Jason

Friday, July 18, 2008


Hello world! Today I will be talking about criticism. It amazes me when lives began to change and people get involved in church that used to hate going. They had a drug problem! They had to be drug to church on Sunday and drug to church on Wednesday (Ha! Ha!) Jesus begins to move throughout the community and draw people to church and its wrong to some people. What is wrong with people criticizing another church when there church has not grown in 10 years? I used to get mad at critics but now I love them. They make me want to do more for Jesus! I’ve come to realize if your not getting criticized your not doing something right. I am a member of a fast growing hard working church and the criticism we get is awful. We get criticized by more churches than we do anybody else and that’s sad. We get all kinds of comments from people who have never walked in the doors to check out what Jesus is doing. They jump to conclusions and make up there on lies about it. That’s what most of them are lies! Scripture says that Satan is the king of lies. One place I always go to get advice is the word of God. I realize that Jesus got criticized everywhere he went. He got criticized when he healed the sick, and raised the dead. You know what’s funny the people (Pharisees) that criticized him were not even there to see what he was doing. They just jumped to conclusions and got angry because they were religious but could not perform such things. They could not take credit for what Jesus was doing and they got pissed! One question for you Did Jesus let them slow him down? The answer is NO! So why should the growing churches in America. As long as the Gospel is being taught and everything is about Jesus it will continue to grow. A move of God cannot be stopped! So next time you get criticized for following Jesus and being obedient don’t argue just smile! Have an Awesome day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hello! just wanted to say have a great and positive day. I am about to go bowling with my children. This is always exciting especially when they beat you. Just to see them smile is worth it all. I encourage you to spend time with your children today. Whether it be a phone call, reading them a book or just playing games. Do something for them. Work is hectic i understand but your children are a gift to you. You should learn to find a balance of work and family, i used to be the worlds worst. I worked 60 hours a week and after those hours i was to tired for family. Thats where so many americans are they rush, rush, rush. So i encourage you to slow down today and just listen you will be suprised how great it is. Love you guys! Jason

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What’s up everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know change is great. You have to admit doing the same routine day in and day out gets old. I used to get up and eat the same breakfast. Go to the gym and do the same workout. Then head to work doing the same job. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was getting bored and tired of the same old thing. Then I got to thinking if you don’t change how you do things how should you expect life in general to be exciting. Then it hit me that is the way the church has been for years. I can remember sitting through church and wondering what does those big words mean and when is this going to be over. I also remember it being real boring and our youth trips were horrible. We would wash cars sometimes and still not have enough money to go anywhere. You have to agree that’s sad and that’s the way some churches have been for years. I am not cracking on churches or trying to be non-church. I am just saying when are churches going to change the way they deliver the message of Jesus. Our main focus as the church should be the youth and reaching the lost. A recent survey showed that the #1 reason people don’t come to church is that it’s boring to them. I used to be one of those people. I am blessed that the pastor and staff at my home church are passionate in both categories its all about Jesus and our Youth ministry is exploding. We get criticized all the time because we are growing and I always tell the people if your church isn’t growing ask yourself why? Jesus never intended on the church being satisfied or a comfortable place. Read it for yourself in the New Testament Acts, Corinthians, Ephesians the people of the early church were passionate people and it was constantly growing. We serve the same God now as they served then. God called us to be salt to the earth. Salt makes people thirsty have you made anyone thirsty for Jesus lately! If not, its time for a change. Change is good MTV changes every week to reach out to our youth in a negative way. So why doesn’t the Church change the way they do things? That will have a positive impact! I will let you answer that one. It will be different for everyone. I have simply shared my opinions on change and I think its time the church in America to wake up that’s all.

Monday, July 14, 2008


What is going on everyone? I am going to be talking today about the message I was so glad to here yesterday at my home church. It was about masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, and swinging with other couples! Yeah! Our pastor went were not many pastors will go. I am 26 years old and I wish I would have had someone talk about the things he addressed yesterday to me when I was 14 years old. Still today most churches are scared to talk about real life stuff. However now there are several all across the country with pastors and staff that are not scared to talk about sex, sin, repentance, homosexuality, abortion, affairs and I’m glad to be apart of one where they teach it all, holding back nothing. A recent study showed that 99 % of Men and 50% of women struggle with porn addiction in America. I used to be one of them I was extremely addicted to porn and it almost ruined my marriage and my relationship with many people I cared about. Then one day I was told I had to change or it was over so I tossed the porn in the trash and prayed to God to forgive me and make me clean. Praise him he did it and it was awesome. Since then me and my wife’s relationship just keeps on getting better. Let me talk to you as a friend and please hear me out! You can get out of the pit your in. You may be real addicted or just view it every once in a while either way it’s deadly. It may not kill you but it will kill your marriage your relationships and most of all, your walk with Christ. Don’t listen to me see what the bible says about sexual sin. The Apostle Paul wrote about it in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 1-8. If you need help contact your church or if you don’t know who Jesus is I would love to talk to you personally just send me an e-mail or leave a comment with your e-mail address. It’s tough I’ve been there and I’m telling you when you repent and change the way you think about life it works! I pray this blog helps you!!!! Remember One Love, One God, One Way See yah Jason.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This may seem a little weird to you. Im going to ask you if you need me to pray for you today. Whether its to uplift you or you may be going threw something tough. Im a firm believer in prayer ,Jesus has changed my life through prayer! You can leave me an email or just write it in the comment section! Check out my blog tommorow. It will be long but im going to share some things ive learned from making mistakes before i was saved and after!So check it out! Love you Guys! Jason

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Hello! Today i want to talk about College Football it is almost here. The long lines of traffic, the intensity, and most of all watching players play with PASSION! These kids that play the game play with an incredible amount of emotion and intensity! We as Christians are called to be Passionate people. Im looking for the non passive people when it comes to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the new testament Followers like Paul, Peter, and John were passionate followers of Jesus. Man im in Awe! Paul reached out to the whole city of ephesus without internet, transportation, cell phones absolutely no technology. What could we do today if we had this kind of Passion and used the tools we have. We could reach the world in 1 week! You know ive over heard conversations of people saying i dont like a big church and the traffic is awful! Well you are going to hate heaven because its going to be huge, and we will complain about traffic at church but wait 2 hours in football traffic and its ok! How is that ok! We should praise God that there is traffic at church and if there is not we are not doing our part as a member of the body of christ to invite people. A very high percentage of people who have excepted christ since the message has been there simply done it because someone invited them to church. Will you get out of your comfort zone and invite them thats the challenge! For some it starts at home maybe your husband or close family for others your neighbor. I know you think to yourself ive invited them 100 times and they will not come don't give up on them! Praise God they did not give up on me. With Love Jason ,Go Clemson Tigers!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Hello! Can you say WOW! I would like to share how things went in Greenville, SC today. Me and Chad an awesome friend of mine done meals on wheels from 10:00 to 11:00 that was fantastic, we talked to all kinds of people while doing that. We were able to minister to all those people who very rarely have company over or even family to come see them and that burdens me, so we give them a big smile and talked with them. That was just the start of what God had in mind for the Greenville community on July 7th. Let me say what im about to share with you we take no credit for it was all Jesus. We were just willing to be a vessel for the creator of all things and he worked through us today! OK now that im going to Brag on Jesus! We reached out to over 25 people today however they were few that actually wanted to talk. So we reached out sharing the gospel with them and 3 people ended up recieving christ, thats huge and fires me up!!! Not only did they except the perfect gift Jesus offered to them, one lady (who's name i will not share) had been prostituting and using drugs she had a look of death and pain in her eyes. she shared her story and i have to admit it bothered me. Then we ask her if she truly wanted to change and she cried out, Thats when Chad stepped up and prayed with her it was awesome just to see her crie out to God. She excepted christ, the look on her face after was full of joy and peace. She then said she was on her way to eat and rehab! We exchanged info and cant wait to check on her! Man Jesus was just getting started we made one stop right in the heart of the biggest drug infested and prostitution areas in South Carolina. We parked our truck got out and hit the streets once again shortly after we ran up on 5 people just sitting there with looks of sadness on there face. We listened to them and shared our story as well. Then something came over me so we prayed for them and 2 of them said the sinners prayer it was all i could do to hold it together. After that they were then my brothers in Christ and im thankful that. We will continue to check on them and offer help in anyway possible. I could go on and on and since this is already a long Blog entry i will wrap it up. I have one thing left to say God called us to be salt in a lost world ,salt makes people thirsty who have you made thirsty for Jesus lately! To Jesus Christ be the Glory and anytime God moves like this i will BRAG!! on him, he deserves it. Thanks for taking the time to read my long blog i hope your encouraged and at the same time challenged! with LOVE!! Jason


Hello! Good morning i just wanted to say have a great and positive day. Life is great and you will have a great week this week. Well im off to Greenvilles streets to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for me as i go into some dangerous areas. Im pumped I can't wait to see what Jesus does today! Check out my blog later tonight as i will reflect on today and offer encouragement! One Love, One God, One Way later Jason

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my day. Me and my wife went to Publix (were its a pleasure to shop!) . Something stuck out to me why we were shopping. The shampoo section for women, wow!!!! i never realized how many kinds they were. I pointed that out to my wife and her response was women need options! True and then i thought life gives us plenty of options are we just caught up in the motions. We are in jobs we cant stand to try to please people who dont care. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that there has got to be more than this! With most of 92% of this country in debt we struggle just to get by. This is true for large and small income families. We dont try to live on a financial level we can handle. We always try to buy more stuff to please people who really don't care what we have. Its true they don't!!!!When God created you in your Mothers womb he made you for a purpose and he has an awesome plan for your life. Do you know what that purpose is. Why not ask? He will show you what it is and its most likely something you would say to yourself i could never do that. The reality is when you put your FAITH!! and TRUST!! in Jesus Christ he will lead you in the right direction. Lets stop asking Oprah what to do and ask the creater of the universe! This is something i have struggled with. Im not just trying to challenge people out there it apply's to me as well. Im convinced if we focus on Gods plan and not our own we could change this nation in one generation! No more Debt! No more jobs we Hate! and a life we always dreamed of! I hope this challenges you!2nd Peter Chapter 1 verse 3 says. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (NIV) Have a great Day!