About Me
- Jason Ashley
- I am a Husband to the most loving and beautiful woman in the world. I am the father of 3 kids that continue to challenge me in so many ways but they are awesome. I am also a child of the most high God and I am striving to live out The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also Co-Founder of The LOT Project. My home church is Newspring Church Anderson Campus. My prayer for you and I is that we are encouraged and challenged by the writings on this page. Some writings may be stories and some writings may be what God is teaching me from day to day. SO GRAB YOUR FORK AND LETS EAT :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
1, 2, 3, ACTION
What is the Fifth book of the New Testament? The Acts of the Apostles. It is not the thoughts of the Apostles or the ideas of the Apostles. It is the Acts of the Apostles. Why? Because following Jesus is more than thinking or imagining, it is about doing! Actions bring about results. Have you not acted on something God clearly told you to do? Life is short, now would be a great time to ACT like a Christ follower. I pray all who read this love like Jesus, serve like Jesus, and ACT like Jesus. Life is too short to be hesitant, people without Jesus die and go to hell. Let's be the light that Jesus called us to be. Let's make a difference in people's lives. Let's become less so he can become more and more. Love you all!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Are you on empty?
What up everyone? Today during my study time this morning I learned about a story in scripture Luke chapter 8 verses 45-48. In these verses a women reaches out and touches Jesus on his cloak. Though he is in a large crowd he feels this energy come out of him. He turns and asked "who touched me?" and then an unclean woman fell at his feet and worshipped him. He told her "your faith in me has healed you." Then it hit me when you love you get, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual depleted. Love takes a lot of energy from you, Christ felt this energy leave him in this text. You know you work hard all day. You come home and is it the TV you choose or playing with your kids? Love is tiring! However it’s the most important thing in our lives! Christ is love! Sometimes the best thing for us to do is stop and rest. Refill your tank and it will not cost you $3.00 a gallon Ha! Ha! .I look through scripture and I see Jesus rest often, he takes a boat across the lake to get away from the crowds. He takes a rest on the floor of a boat during a severe storm. He would often go to a solitary place and get alone and pray. He rested when he needed to. See Satan wants you to be so busy and caught up in the motions that you never rest. If you never rest you can’t love the way you should. My question to you, are you on empty? Are you to drained to love the way you should? If so rest its important not to just you but to everyone around you. Love is everything. Jesus said come to him and he will give you rest. Matthew Chapter 11 Verse 28 read it for yourself. I pray this helps someone out there who is running on empty! Love, Jason
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Good morning to everyone! Do you ever have trouble understanding things? I do and in this post I will talk about our understanding, verses God’s understanding! Let’s dive right in! Life is full of things I don’t understand…why people hate on other people that are succeeding in life….why my kids do the complete opposite of what I tell them at times, can you relate to that?….why life at times seems so great but at other times it's very frustrating. I can't seem to understand why people do not get along any better than they do, nor can I figure out why special, loving people seem to die young while mean, cranky people seem to live forever. What do you do when you just don’t understand something? Sometimes I think about the fact that I do not even understand why I do what I do, so it is not unreasonable that I sometimes cannot understand why God does what he does. The fact is, there is much in life, much about God himself, much about eternity, that I will never understand. The question I need to ask is, how much understanding does it take for me to trust God. Leaning on our own understanding and on human wisdom instead of trusting Jesus leads to a lifetime of frustration and confusion instead of contentment and joy. God alone is the sole source of all understanding. What a freedom we find when we put aside our demands to understand everything and relax in the knowledge that because he does, we don’t have to. Asking him for understanding is great and we should. In fact, David cries out for it no less than 5 times in Psalm 119 as he pleads, “Give me understanding that I may live.” But the measure of our trust is revealed when we do not understand but are content to know that God does! In other words we TRUST GOD NO MATTER WHAT!! Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.” That is a verse to live by! I pray you have a blessed day and know that someone loves you, his name is JESUS!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hell No!
This is what I call good old home cooking straight from the heart. Here we go!! Is arguing causing people to bust Hell wide open? I think it is. Please let me explain! Some Christians and Churches would rather argue amongst themselves than reach out to their communities and reach out to one another. If I were the Devil I would keep Christians arguing all the time. Because if Christians argue people don’t get reached for Christ.You see some arguments I have overheard are about the most ridiculous subjects and most of the time based on man made religion, not scripture. If the Church and Christians would take time to look at what truly matters, think Kingdom Minded and simply open their hearts and doors to the lost Jesus could RADICALLY change the way non-Christians view THE CHURCH as a whole. Race does not matter whether your Black, White, Hispanic, Latino or Green or Orange the truth is color of a person should not matter! We are all God’s children! What a person wears should not matter! If you don’t like what they are wearing you need to realize everyone is different and not every person that goes to Church wears a suit and tie or a skirt and dress. They should be welcome any day, any time, and in any Church! What a person drives, where they live, and who their mommy and daddy are should not be the reason you want them to stay or go! I am the son of a drug dealer and alcoholic that does not mean I am also living that lifestyle. Yes he is in jail and has been for over 15 years, which does not mean I will follow that same path! You see Jesus said come as you are! So why in the HELL would Christians put up a wall and actually think they can say who comes in and who goes out of the Church! The facts are Denominations and man made religion puts people in HELL! The same goes for arguments if we are arguing, people are not being reached! I am not saying that Church leaders and members should never argue that would be unrealistic! Good things can come from arguing, but arguing about some of the things I have discussed in this post could never have a positive impact! DO NOT FORGET…. THE CHURCH WAS CREATED TO REACH PEOPLE FOR JESUS CHRIST AND MAKE HIM FAMOUS! IT WAS CREATED FOR THE LOST! IT WAS NOT CREATED SO CHURCHES COULD TALK ABOUT ONE ANOTHER AND TEAR DOWN WHAT SO AND SO CHURCH IS DOING! WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM SO LET”S ACT LIKE IT! I will end this post with a question Would Jesus be welcome at your Church? Remember he dressed homely, most scholars say he had long hair, and he hung out with people that the religious despised! That’s the Jesus that changed the world forever! With Love for all Jason
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