Tuesday, July 22, 2008


What’s up world! Jason here to share some things about my day in general and what I learned in my devotional time as well. Today has been great my son has been so good. He helped me with his baby sister she went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month old check up and has been very upset and sore today from the shots. I have been doing clothes, playing games with my son and cooking it’s been a great day. I work on the weekends and keep my kids through the week it gets better and better. Well anyway enough about my day in general. My devotional today rocked my world I read about passion. If there is one thing I love to learn from and apply to my everyday life it’s to be passionate as Jesus Christ. He sacrificed it all to save mankind and make us right with God. All we have to do is except him. He was tempted, spit on, criticized everywhere he went and he still never looked away from his purpose. To die for our sins and make us brand new. I did not like watching my little girl get her 4 shots yesterday she screamed. I felt hopeless I can’t stand seeing anyone in pain especially my kids. Then it hit me her pain was from shots that help protect her from diseases. If she did not get them she could become very sick. She went through pain but ultimately it will protect her in the future. That’s how the people in the world that don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus end up. However the pain they go through they put it on themselves Jesus has already went through the pain for you. They would rather not except the free gift of salvation Jesus offers. They would rather go through hell everyday and use drugs, alcohol, sex. Things they try to fill that void in there life with. I know this because I was one of those people but in February of 2004 Jesus rocked my world and set me free. I haven’t been the same since. He put a passion in me to reach the lost no matter what stands in my way! One question for you and I’m finished do you know Jesus if not I would love to tell you about him and what he did for you. E-mail me or leave me some info in the comment section and I will get back to you. Love You Guys! Jason

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