Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my day. Me and my wife went to Publix (were its a pleasure to shop!) . Something stuck out to me why we were shopping. The shampoo section for women, wow!!!! i never realized how many kinds they were. I pointed that out to my wife and her response was women need options! True and then i thought life gives us plenty of options are we just caught up in the motions. We are in jobs we cant stand to try to please people who dont care. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that there has got to be more than this! With most of 92% of this country in debt we struggle just to get by. This is true for large and small income families. We dont try to live on a financial level we can handle. We always try to buy more stuff to please people who really don't care what we have. Its true they don't!!!!When God created you in your Mothers womb he made you for a purpose and he has an awesome plan for your life. Do you know what that purpose is. Why not ask? He will show you what it is and its most likely something you would say to yourself i could never do that. The reality is when you put your FAITH!! and TRUST!! in Jesus Christ he will lead you in the right direction. Lets stop asking Oprah what to do and ask the creater of the universe! This is something i have struggled with. Im not just trying to challenge people out there it apply's to me as well. Im convinced if we focus on Gods plan and not our own we could change this nation in one generation! No more Debt! No more jobs we Hate! and a life we always dreamed of! I hope this challenges you!2nd Peter Chapter 1 verse 3 says. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (NIV) Have a great Day!

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