Thursday, August 14, 2008

Looking Forward!

Good morning world! I hope everyone’s day has started off great! I was in quiet time this morning and the issue of looking back or looking ahead came up. Do you ever catch yourself holding on to the past? Do you tend to look behind you more than in front of you? As Christians we all are struggling or have struggled with the things we have done in our past! I was reading in the book of Philippians Chapter 3 verses 12-14. In this text Paul is talking about “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”. Folks we have to get over our past. It’s kind of like if you focus on what’s behind you while you are driving you will not see what’s coming in front of you and you will wreck. If there is one person I know that has struggled with getting over there past I have. The one thing that has helped me build a bridge and get over it is an everyday walk with Jesus Christ! You see our past can control who we are in the present if we let it. Satan uses our past as a tool to keep us unfocused. You know as well as I do if you aren’t focused you can’t live life to the full. Remember this, as painful as your past may be Jesus went to the cross for your past sins. He has already covered your PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE sins. He has forgotten about our past and wants to use us now to advance his Kingdom. Another thing that has helped me is reading the Bible. As I look in the Old and New Testament I see Jesus using some messed up people who had a past far more badly than ours could have ever been! Jesus uses messed up people to reach the lost. I know he is using me. Are you willing to let some things that are holding you back go this morning? Let go what is already done and focus on what isn’t! This Nation needs Jesus and if we each do our part WE CAN CHANGE AMERICA! I BELIEVE THAT DO YOU?

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