Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The streets are calling!!!!!

Today will be great, do you believe that? I’m only 26 years old but I’ve learned a lot about life already. The one thing I’ve learned is to expect great things and believe they will happen! I’m going to be sharing my heart with you today on how to expect even when you don’t want to! I’m one of those guys, what you see is what you get I hold nothing back and the word sugarcoat is not in my dictionary! I’m real and genuine to the core. So here we go. You have probably never heard a Christian say what im about to say. There are mornings I wake up and don’t feel like being a Christian, I feel flat, beat down busted and disgusted. Here is the kicker those mornings come usually when im getting ready to go do ministry work on the streets of Greenville. I remember one morning in particular I drug myself out of bed then dragged on into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. While in the shower I had made up my mind I wasn’t going to Greenville that day I was going to rest! Then the spirit hit me and said “I did not give up on you on my way to the cross so get up and go. More lives will be turned around and souls saved today than any other day since this ministry started.” JESUS got me their. So even though before I wasn’t expecting great things, now I did. Jesus said to expect and believe great things were going to happen! So I went and it was hands down the best day of ministry the 3 of us have had. We reached out to over 300 to 500 people that day all in the name of JESUS several people accepted JESUS as their lord and savior. It rocked and I could not sleep the next 2 days. Here is my point the days you feel like the Kingdom of God can’t use you, the days you feel similar to the way I felt on that Monday morning get up press on and go the reward is great. Seeing peoples lives get changed forever! You can expect even when you don’t want to and then the believing part comes quick. After you see that first person step up and give it all to JESUS. Then the day is set and go go go from that point on and reach reach reach! So if your down and out and feel like crap expect something great is going to happen and believing it might not be so hard. This is to all of those who are sold out believers and to the street evangelist getting ready to share JESUS with the addicts, prostitutes and the homeless. Do it even when you don’t feel like it! For our Lord our God is with us everywhere we go! Read Joshua 1:9 love you guys. I need prayer im going to Greenville this morning again and more lives will be changed. To JESUS be the glory! Have a great day!

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