Monday, October 13, 2008


Wow! what a day! Me and my beautiful wife finished up moving today and cleaned the house! We also put up a dog kennel for our mutt Cletus(He is the best dog ever)well almost my mother in laws Jack Russell is AWESOME! If their is one thing that has been on my mind it's how blessed i am! God has blessed me with so much! I truly don't deserve the air I breathe! I fail God everyday and still he loves me unconditionally! If your a Father you can relate, their is nothing that can make you stop loving your kids! Yeah I hear you! DON'T TELL PEOPLE JESUS LOVES THEM NO MATTER WHAT! sorry HE DOES! Jesus come into the world not to condemn it but to save it! He makes no mistakes and we are all created for his purpose! Life is a BEAST sometimes but GOD IS THE AUTHOR, HE IS LIFE! When in doubt look at the sky, look at the stars, look at the mountains or better yet look in the mirror you are beautiful and God made you! So smile and Thank God today! Remember every set back in life is a set up for a comeback! I Love you to all my peeps!

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