Friday, November 28, 2008

The Flow of Water!

Does your life feel dry at times? Are you beat down and tired from the things of this life? Have you taken wrong measures to satisfy your life? Those are just a couple of questions I want to ask before I launch into this post! Man-made religion never satisfies; only God provides the Living water that can quench our thirst in this life. His invitation is open to anyone who gets thirsty. To hunger and thirst for the water that Christ gives is to hunger and thirst for the things of God and for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. With our Lord there is no waiting for the water our souls require and need! Anyone can drink of this water that gives life! How do we drink the water? When you come to the water you are coming to a person. You must come on God's terms, and you have to yield yourself by faith in order to get the water! The release of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life, however, is conditional- we must believe, receive, and then glorify Christ through our lives! Jesus must be loved, honored, and exalted. Jesus is saying that the part of us that is never satisfied, the part of us that craves so much, becomes, when we receive this water, the part that is satisfied. Our unfulfilled desires can become fully satisfied by the indwelling Spirit of Christ in our lives. Furthermore, the satisfaction that comes to us in Christ overflows to others(John 7:37-38)! Power and overflowing joy are the characteristics of great drinkers of the spirit. But the inspiring irony in this is that we never experience satisfaction, as we are meant to, until our lives give satisfaction to others. I don't know about you but helping others fills me up! I have a dream and through Christ it can happen! A 24 hour Church in Anderson, It bothers me that the homeless and the addicted have no place to go for shelter, rehab, and most of all somewhere they can feel the presence of Power and Love in Christ! There are over 300 churches in this county and none of them are open at night to help those in need! We need a place for all people to come! The church is not a place to gather in a Holy Huddle its a body that needs to be effective! I'm out Love Jason

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