It’s already yoursDecember 22nd, 2008
I get so frustrated with the older brother in the story of the prodigal son.Here he is, pitching a temper tantrum because of something his father never gave him (a goat, for crying out loud).
We can learn a valuable lesson at the expense his ignorance:Your Father can’t give you what’s already yours!
This brother had access to as many fat cows as his little heart desired.They were his for the taking. So what was he waiting for?
Many times we pray for God to give us things that we already possess.We ask God to give us joy. Joy doesn’t come from out-there-somewhere.It’s a fruit of the Spirit…and it’s already ours….waiting to be activated.
I’ve begged God before to give me peace about certain situations. When He doesn’t rain down peace, I become irritated and impatient.But He’s already given me peace through Jesus…a peace that passes understanding.He’s waiting for me to walk in what He’s already provided.
Don’t wait for God to give you victory when He’s already won the battle.Don’t wait for God to give you hope when He’s already poured out His hope in abundance into your heart through the Holy Spirit.
Stop waiting for God to give you what’s already yours.
About Me
- Jason Ashley
- I am a Husband to the most loving and beautiful woman in the world. I am the father of 3 kids that continue to challenge me in so many ways but they are awesome. I am also a child of the most high God and I am striving to live out The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also Co-Founder of The LOT Project. My home church is Newspring Church Anderson Campus. My prayer for you and I is that we are encouraged and challenged by the writings on this page. Some writings may be stories and some writings may be what God is teaching me from day to day. SO GRAB YOUR FORK AND LETS EAT :)
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