Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just Random Thoughts!

Hello! What a Beautiful Day here in Anderson, SC. I have been so busy today I had a car detail this am along with a leg workout! My exercise and diet plan are going great! My first weigh in is on Wednesday and I am very excited to see the progress I've made! Our leaders from our Church have been in Kenya for a week please lift them up in prayer as they are wanting to see God's vision for our Church in Kenya! Our church starts a new series this week named "I WANNA NEW MARRIAGE" I AM PUMPED UP! You know it's interesting how many couples have said I do and then they don't anymore! As Christians I believe our marriages should be the best on the planet filled with LOVE, SEX, SEX, AND MORE SEX! Reality is this.... not everyday will our marriages be perfect, we will argue, fight and have disagreements like everyone else! It's how we handle those disagreements between ourselves that count! We should have a Christ like view of marriage and always keep Christ front and center in our finances and our marriage! 80% of marriages end because of finance issues! I'm telling you me and my wife have been together for 8 years and putting Christ first in your finances works! If you don't believe me try tithing the 10% just for 3 months and watch what happens! God will rock your world! OK back to marriage every couple should have 1 date night a week and I don't care if you have 10 kids or 1 kid find a babysitter it works trust me! I firmly believe the reason our nation is in the shape it's in is because kids don't have family time anymore! They see mom and dad argue and fuss and they may feel its their fault sometimes! So they isolate themselves and become wrapped up in a culture that tells them SEX at 12 is OK and DRINKING and DRUGS will help you deal with life! Reality is this..... Kids lives are falling apart one by one and why NO LEADERSHIP at home that's why! So parents step up to the plate and fix what is broke! Some of you out their may need a relationship with Jesus! That would be the best step toward fixing your marriage and your relationships with your kids and family! I pray today for renewed marriages and relationships! I pray for the kids out their feeling trapped that God would show them the way to find true life! I pray dads and moms would step up to the plate and quit being PASSIVE! And finally I pray that if the very person reading this needs JESUS in their life they would ask him into their lives! Pray= Dear Lord JESUS I want you in my life, I know I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness, I believe you died on the cross and rose from the grave, come into my life and take complete control, I give you everything JESUS Amen! If you prayed that prayer you made the best decision you will ever make, now find a church that will love you and that teaches the word of God1 I pray you grow in the knowledge of Christ! It will not be easy in fact it will be harder now than ever! But remember Christ lives in you and you are his child! He takes care of his children! Father thank you I ask all things in the name of JESUS AMEN!

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