About Me
- Jason Ashley
- I am a Husband to the most loving and beautiful woman in the world. I am the father of 3 kids that continue to challenge me in so many ways but they are awesome. I am also a child of the most high God and I am striving to live out The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also Co-Founder of The LOT Project. My home church is Newspring Church Anderson Campus. My prayer for you and I is that we are encouraged and challenged by the writings on this page. Some writings may be stories and some writings may be what God is teaching me from day to day. SO GRAB YOUR FORK AND LETS EAT :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Acts 4
Acts Chapter 4 (I have 2 questions WHAT IF? we the Church Cared like the first Church Cared? and Loved as they Loved?) Wrestle with that! Unpack that! Just thought I would issue that Challenge to you guys and gals! Love yah Jason
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Digging for DIRT?
I would like to start out today’s post with a question I think we all need to answer. Are you going for dirt or gold? Please! Let me explain. Encouragement is a great thing; we all like it and want more of it. In a very negative world encouragement is hard to locate. It seems like everyone’s out to get dirt on somebody. We see it in Hollywood everyday, it also happens in the workplace and yes even churches all across this country. The fact of the matter is some people would like to see you screw up more than see you succeed! I know it’s sad but these types of people are not happy and they screw up so much they like to see you screw up just to make them feel better! Thank God not all people are like this! There are still people out their willing to look past the dirt to what’s behind it GOLD! You see gold miners often have to drill through tons of dirt to get to 1 ounce of gold. They are determined to find something great! Lets face it we are all not good people, but we all have positive attributes about us! So realize this, we all have gold behind our dirt but often people would rather see your screw ups than your success! Jesus Christ makes no mistakes and when he created you he created something beautiful and he has an incredible plan for your life. YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! So try today to look at the positives in each other; people you work with, family, friends. Look past the dirt “We All Have It” and look for the gold. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up….” We must encourage not discourage! Let me hit you with a rhyme for one second “You see Jesus is the up not the down. Not the bottom, he’s the top. He’s the left, he’s the right. He’s the go, he’s the stop. He’s the light of the world that never burns out; he’s the author of the book so he knows how it turns out!!!” This rhyme or rap as some would call it is so true. Jesus is the up so look up today. Encourage one another and smile with love in your heart at someone today! Your smile may be the only one they see all day! With love to ALL! Jason
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What is a Pharisee? That’s the question I’m going to answer today. During Jesus Christ ministry on earth (which is still at work today by the way) he seen a person or groups of people that kept God in a box of rituals, laws and explanations. These people believed there was no more to be unearthed, revealed or discovered. It was there way or no way. Spiritual fulfillment that led to no questions, no new mystery, and no new promises. Jesus was very clear he doesn’t like this type of thinking. Thinking brings about action. This type of thinking was and still is hypocritical and lacks Love. Pharisees tried to lock people out of the Kingdom of Heaven basically! Jesus despises this type of attitude. He said in Matthew 23:13 “For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them” You see Pharisees think its all about them and the Hell with the rest of the world! You see the Kingdom of God is open to all who will accept the free gift of salvation. When I say free I’m saying Jesus Christ paid yours and my penalty through his crucifixion. A Pharisee is not Kingdom minded they are selfish, bitter, and if they can’t get the glory it’s considered wrong!! WOW! Did anyone pop in your mind when I said that? You see the Church was created for the lost and it takes change and staying in tune with culture to reach them. You have to meet the lost where they are! As long as it’s biblical and the truth of Jesus is being proclaimed it’s not up to us to say what goes on or who comes in! Last time I checked Jesus Christ draws man to him, so he is in charge of who comes and who don’t, not a committee or a Pastor or a Deacon. There are Pharisees all around us, inside the Church and some Preach behind the pulpit! I have seen racism taught which is non biblical. I’ve seen Pastors speak against interracial marriage that’s not biblical. Moses had an interracial marriage by the way! You get my point, things get taught inside the church that are not of God and those speakers will answer to God for leading people astray. So don’t put God in a box today! Love you Guys and Gals!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thanking JESUS!!!!!
As I sit here reflecting back on my life and looking at what Jesus has did for me I am blown away. As busy as people are in our society I know they don't thank Jesus enough for what he has did for them so this morning do you need to just slow down and Thank Jesus for your many blessings? I am going to Thank him in this post and I pray you Take the time to do the same. I am not being boastful just simply Thanking and Praising God for all he has pulled me through and the many blessings he has given me! Jesus I want to thank you for my salvation. I want to thank you for going to the cross and paying a price I should have paid. All I deserve is Hell! Thank you for caring enough about me to give me a new start. Thank you for my Family, my Friends, my Wife who is so loving, caring and straight forward and most of all SO FREAKIN HOT!!!. Thank you for an Awesome Home Church where the people are as real as they come. Thank you for the staff and volunteers that pour their time and love into the ministry there. Thank you for choosing me to spread your good news throughout this community and beyond! Thank you for your financial blessings in my Life! I've learned in a hard way Money means nothing unless you tell it where to go! Thank you for being in control of my finances. I screwed them up for long enough! Thank you for my 2 Children I commit to raise them for your purpose not mine. They are beautiful and I stay in Awe that you would trust me to raise 2 of your Children! Thank you for this Nation I live in you have blessed it so much may we turn back to you and acknowledge you as Lord. Father please forgive our country for all our wrong doing! Have mercy on us! I pray we turn back to you. We as a country have taken our eyes off of you! We are taken you out of schools, life and everything else! Our country kills your creation everyday with abortion! We are voting for same sex marriage. We are the number one pornography selling nation in the world! Please help our nation and I pray the Church steps up and starts addressing the issues that need to be addressed. We can't change the world but you can Father I pray for REVIVAL to sweep this Nation! I pray that the people inside the Church get involved in their communities and start doing work. I pray that they will quit expecting the Church Staff and Leaders to do it all! I pray your Church will start working as one body and that TRUE UNITY falls upon Churches all over this Nation! Jesus I Love You and Thank You for everything I am blown away that you have chosen to use the modern day lepers to change this world! Father I pray you continue to use screwed up people to advance your Kingdom! To you Jesus I give all the honor and glory! It's in your HOLY name I pray AMEN!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"The man who does not learn to wait upon the Lord and have his thoughts molded by Him will never possess that steady purpose and calm trust, which is essential to the exercise of wise influence upon others, in times of crisis and difficulty. – D. E. Hoste" I know its deep but take the time to read it again and let it sink in! Its so true! I pray you have a blessed and productive day for the KINGDOM! Love you guys and gals Jason
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Do you deserve it?
Do you deserve the things you've been handed? The place you were born, the education you were given, the job you've got? Do you deserve your family, your friends, or even your life?
Not at all. “Deserve” is such a loaded word. Most of us don’t deserve the great opportunities we have, or the blessings that got us where we are.
The question shouldn’t be, “do you deserve it.” I think it should be, “what are you going to do with it now that you've got it?" Make an impact in someones life today with what Christ has blessed you with! Love yah Jason!
Not at all. “Deserve” is such a loaded word. Most of us don’t deserve the great opportunities we have, or the blessings that got us where we are.
The question shouldn’t be, “do you deserve it.” I think it should be, “what are you going to do with it now that you've got it?" Make an impact in someones life today with what Christ has blessed you with! Love yah Jason!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Good evening everyone! I would like to talk today about EXPOSING! Nobody likes to here the word Satan but I’m going to be talking about him today. I will be exposing him! Please pay attention to this verse especially the first part! 1 Peter Chapter 5 verse 8 says. Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour! As I unpack this text it may get very personal, but that’s OK. The first part I think is the most important be SELF-CONTROLLED AND ALERT! You have to be constantly aware of your surroundings and use the knowledge the lord gives you. Some people think they can live like hell 6 days a week and then come to church on Sunday and everything is OK. Newsflash its not, if your doing this you have no self control and you’re using Jesus as a prostitute! Yes I said it a prostitute, you go to him whenever things get hard and turn away when things are great! Sometimes you may do this and be so caught up in the motions you don’t realize it. Others may know they are doing it and really could care less and that’s sad. If you can do this every week and feel no conviction it may be time for a salvation check! We must live in a constant state of repentance and not give the Devil one inch because he can come in and rule your life if you allow him to. A lion is very sneaky and after he has made his kill he will always roar! Why the roar? Is it because he is getting emotional about the kill? The answer is no. Often when a lion makes a kill a pack of scavengers will come up and run him off! You see the lion roars to make everyone think he is big and bad when the truth is he is submissive. So basically he is a wimp with a big mouth! Sound familiar Satan has a big mouth and it’s filled with lies! He will lie to you. He will tell you God does not love you, you’re worthless, you will never make it, etc….. Folks I’m telling you we don’t have to listen to that garbage. We must realize we can keep Satan in proper perspective. He is submissive to God and if God lives in you. You can resist him! You see we are children of the most high and he created us for a purpose. He has a great life already planned for us! You see 1 John 4:4 says, He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. So if you are struggling and Satan is attacking you! Tell him Go to Hell! Jesus Christ is Ruler not him! He will flee! If your on the front lines for Jesus he wants to destroy you more than anyone so always be Self-Controlled and Aware! If this offended you take it up with God he told me to blog about this today and I will be held accountable for what he ask me to do! So get over it and smile! Have a great evening! Love Jason
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I read this the other day and it rocked me to the core! I felt every Christ follower should read this post! I Love You Guys! Never Let the Gospel Get Smaller
March 17, 2009 By: John Piper Category: Commentary
Here is a simple exhortation that I have been trying to implement in our family:
Seek to see and feel the gospel as bigger as years go by rather than smaller.
Our temptation is to think that the gospel is for beginners and then we go on to greater things. But the real challenge is to see the gospel as the greatest thing—and getting greater all the time.
The Gospel gets bigger when, in your heart,
grace gets bigger;
Christ gets greater;
his death gets more wonderful;
his resurrection gets more astonishing;
the work of the Spirit gets mightier;
the power of the gospel gets more pervasive;
its global extent gets wider;
your own sin gets uglier;
the devil gets more evil;
the gospel's roots in eternity go deeper;
its connections with everything in the Bible and in the world get stronger;
and the magnitude of its celebration in eternity gets louder.
So keep this in mind: Never let the gospel get smaller in your heart.
Pray that it won’t. Read solid books on it. Sing about it. Tell someone about it who is ignorant or unsure about it.
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel.... For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
March 17, 2009 By: John Piper Category: Commentary
Here is a simple exhortation that I have been trying to implement in our family:
Seek to see and feel the gospel as bigger as years go by rather than smaller.
Our temptation is to think that the gospel is for beginners and then we go on to greater things. But the real challenge is to see the gospel as the greatest thing—and getting greater all the time.
The Gospel gets bigger when, in your heart,
grace gets bigger;
Christ gets greater;
his death gets more wonderful;
his resurrection gets more astonishing;
the work of the Spirit gets mightier;
the power of the gospel gets more pervasive;
its global extent gets wider;
your own sin gets uglier;
the devil gets more evil;
the gospel's roots in eternity go deeper;
its connections with everything in the Bible and in the world get stronger;
and the magnitude of its celebration in eternity gets louder.
So keep this in mind: Never let the gospel get smaller in your heart.
Pray that it won’t. Read solid books on it. Sing about it. Tell someone about it who is ignorant or unsure about it.
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel.... For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
His Will not Ours!
First for an update on how Street Ministry went today! Let me say I am continually BLOWN AWAY at how God has been moving on the streets of Anderson! This morning we served 15 homeless men breakfast and we spent time with them on the street just sharing our stories! Then I began to teach them on how God does not condemn them but HOW HE LOVES THEM SO SO MUCH! After a message of about 15 minutes my world got flipped upside down! Seven of the men wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ! So we led them to Jesus! Some of them have been enrolled in a local program and a couple others went home to family and friends! Can you say PRAISE GOD! So then we began to talk to gang members and prostitutes and we took some of them out to eat and just listened to them! My heart was broken! Then God moved once more we ended up leading 4 more people to Christ! I am in AWE at how people responded to the gospel today! It was all Jesus and Thank You to all who prayed for us! You ROCK and your prayers strengthen us! Now for my post today its short and sweet but please go deeper and listen to the voice of God! When we seek God's blessing as the ultimate value in life, we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will and power and purposes for us. All our other needs become secondary to what we really want-which is to become wholly immersed in what God is trying to do in us, through us, and around us for His Glory! Enough said I Love You all Jason!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What’s up! I know I talk about love all the time but love means a lot to me. We take the most currently used phrase and just say it. Do you mean it? You have heard it thousands of times “I Love You” lets examine something. Jesus said in the book of Luke 6:27 “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” The first thing we need to notice is the fact that he said “you who hear me!” So we have a choice to listen? Which is the obedient thing to do or do most of us if were honest ignore it. The second principle is “do good to those who hate you.” Wow now that is a hard one! My point is both of the things I have talked about so far are so hard to do. However if they were not important Jesus would have never said this! As hard as it is we as believers must do the very thing he talks about in this verse. Its amazing the results you get when you do this. We can reach out and love on people who hate us and sometimes they wake up and see you’re a real genuine person and they see Jesus all in you. You see when we do street ministry we get a whole bunch of critics and people that hate us. So we serve those people more than anyone else and I tell you it’s not easy! Jesus said “do good to your enemies” and doing good to them goes beyond words; it takes action and reaching out to our enemies! Jesus commands us to do this very thing! Love is what put Jesus on the cross. He loved us enough to suffer extreme pain for us, physical and emotional. You see he died for his enemies and he said “Father forgive them for they no not what they are doing” wow that’s mercy! We were separated from God and he seen THE WAY to bring about reconnection and peace to our relationship with God. All you have to do is except Jesus and he will give you a love like no other. Maybe you have accepted Jesus and you’re a Christian, but if you’re honest you struggle with loving your enemies and doing good to them. I know I do! Maybe today is the day you write the very people down you don’t like and begin to pray over that list. You will be amazed how this will bring about action in the relationship you could care less about. Pour out love on these people, IT WORKS! “I Love You” is a phrase we really need to understand! It’s more than just something you say all the time it has meaning! Use it with meaning today! That is LOVE! If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ I would LOVE to talk to you about making him your everything! Email me or leave a comment. I will get back to you today! Have a Great Day!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pastor P said it!
Good Morning check out this link http://www.perrynoble.com/ and read "Four things I wish someone would have told me" My Pastor said it all in this post and I think we can all relate to this in some way! I was going to write today but this is what God said to post so I did it! I pray for you as you go through your day that you would listen to the voice of God and Pray Big Prayers and Dream Big Dreams! With Love to all Jason!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
To the CORE!
Colossians 1:15-20 (New International Version)
The Supremacy of Christ 15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. I hope this verse ROCKS YOU TO THE CORE! It blows me away everytime i read it! Praise Jesus Christ whom I LOVE SO MUCH! Anything is possible with Jesus! ANYTHING!!!!!!! I Love You and thanks for reading! Jason Ashley
The Supremacy of Christ 15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. I hope this verse ROCKS YOU TO THE CORE! It blows me away everytime i read it! Praise Jesus Christ whom I LOVE SO MUCH! Anything is possible with Jesus! ANYTHING!!!!!!! I Love You and thanks for reading! Jason Ashley
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Standing On What I Know
BY GREG LAURIE Billy Graham wrote me shortly after and described it as “Christopher’s sudden departure to heaven.”Christopher David Laurie had been walking with the Lord when he departed for heaven so unexpectedly. He had a wife, Brittany; a toddler, our precious granddaughter, Stella; and another daughter to be born that November, Lucy Christopher Laurie. He was art director at our church, Harvest Christian Fellowship, and was growing in his walk with Christ and studying the Bible more than at any other time in his life. In fact, he had recently opened his home for a small-group Bible study that he helped to teach. We were so proud of Christopher and Brittany’s progress in the Lord and how He was blessing them. But our son, so full of promise, was suddenly gone.In our lives here on earth, we will experience pain, grief, sickness and the death of loved ones. It’s depressing, but true. When we’re younger, we don’t necessarily understand this. As we get older, however, we typically experience the death of our grandparents. Time passes, and our parents die. As we continue to age, we know that day will eventually come for us, too, and our children will bury us.As hard as those realities might be, the unexpected deaths are even more difficult.None of us ever wants to bury our children. When this happens, our world seems to crash down around us, and we cry aloud to God.How does God feel about that? When we read the Psalms, we see that the psalmists really “let down their hair” with God. They cried out to Him and emptied the contents of their hearts. In Psalm 42:9-10, the writer says, “O God my Rock … why have you forsaken me? Why must I suffer these attacks from my enemies? Their taunts pierce me like a fatal wound; again and again they scoff, ‘Where is that God of yours?’” (TLB). The psalmist is saying, “Lord, from where I sit, it seems like You’ve forsaken me, like You’re not even paying attention to me.” Then he corrects himself in verse 11, “But O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He will do. He is my help! He is my God!” (TLB). I have done this many times in my pain. Sometimes, like a sword, the reality that my son is gone pierces my heart. In despair, I begin to sob, “O, God. I can’t believe this. I can’t handle this pain!” But then I remind myself, My son is alive—more alive than he has ever been before. He’s in the presence of the Lord, and I am going to see him again, before I know it. I remind myself of God’s promises. My prayers are wide-open and honest, but I also remind myself of God’s truth. This is what prayer is. God wants us to cry out to Him. He invites us to do this. There is nothing wrong with bringing our pain, questions and broken hearts to God. David said, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62:8, NIV). Sometimes we allow trouble, trauma and hardship to cause us to be angry with God. We withdraw from Him and don’t want to talk to Him. My friend, that’s when you need Him more than ever! Cry out to Him with your doubts. Cry out to Him with your pain. He will patiently, lovingly, hear you. He might set your crooked thinking straight as you seek Him, but He wants you to pour out your pain. He loves you! Think of the way Job responded to devastating circumstances. Job not only lost a son, he lost seven sons and three daughters in one unimaginable day. And that was in addition to losing all his possessions and his health! But what did Job do? He cried out to the Lord, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21, NKJV). Job did go on to question God in the days that followed, saying, “Lord, why?” There’s nothing wrong with asking God why, as long as you don’t get the idea that He somehow owes you an answer. Frankly, God doesn’t owe you or me an explanation. Concerning our tragedy, I, too, have asked “Why? Why did this happen? Why couldn’t it have been me instead of him? I’m 56. I’ve lived enough life. Christopher was only 33. He was a loving husband, father, brother, son, friend. He was walking with God and serving Him. Why did God take him?” I was talking with Pastor Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa) recently, and he said to me, “Never trade what you don’t know for what you do know.” Those words stopped me in my tracks. I asked myself, “Well, what doI know?” I know that God loves me. I know that God loved and loves my son. I know that God loves Brittany, Stella and Lucy. I know that Christopher is well and alive in the best place he could ever be. I know that God can make good things come out of bad. I know that we’ll all be together again—on the Other Side.I know those things. I’m as sure as I can be. So I’m making the choice to stand on what I know instead of what I don’t know. If you asked me, “Greg, why did this happen?” I would answer, “I don’t know, and I don’t know that I ever will. I just know that I need God more than I have ever needed Him in my life.”In times of deep sorrow I sometimes call out my son’s name: “Christopher!” Then I call out: “Jesus!” I have never been so conscious of my utter dependence upon the Lord just to make it through my days. That fact is both heartbreaking and wonderful. I want you to understand something: You can take the hardest things that happen to you in life—the unexpected death of a loved one or the realization that you are going to die soon—and you can know this: God will be with you. Corrie Ten Boom, who survived imprisonment in a concentration camp during World War II, wrote, “There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still.”For a Christian, death is not the end; it is merely moving from one place to another. It is the transition from earth to heaven. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26, NKJV). I believe it. I hope you do, too.
Greg LaurieGreg Laurie is senior pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship (independent/nondenominational), in Riverside, Calif., as well as an evangelist with Harvest crusades. He has written more than 10 books, including "The Upside Down Church." He and his wife, Catherine, are parents of two children and live in southern California.
Greg LaurieGreg Laurie is senior pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship (independent/nondenominational), in Riverside, Calif., as well as an evangelist with Harvest crusades. He has written more than 10 books, including "The Upside Down Church." He and his wife, Catherine, are parents of two children and live in southern California.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I believe in you
As I sit here on my couch typing this post I am Blown Away! Having a relationship with the King of Kings is so AWESOME! I pray everyday to be filled with the PASSION that Jesus was filled with. I pray to see as he See's and for my heart to be broken for the lost like his is. Folks I am so undeserving of his mercy and grace. It's been 5 years ago that I first met Jesus and I have been in AWE every since that day. I get the privilege to serve at the best church in the nation "in my opinion" and I am surrounded by the best leaders in the world. Just to think 6 years ago I was abusing drugs and alcohol. Heck I was abusing pornography as well. I was a pathetic husband and father but still my wife loved me and she never give up on me. My Saviour never give up on me either. He reached down when I could not reach up. He picked me up out of the mud and made me as white as snow. Over the past five years I have learned so much but still I am dying to learn more! The truth is I have no clue what I am doing, I just do as the lord directs me! My heart breaks for the soul out their feeling depressed and oppressed! You don't have to go through life regretting it! You have people that believe in you and Love you! Most of all God Loves you! You may have been told he is out to get you and that is a lie from the pit of hell. He created you in his image, he created you to glorify him. Listen to me and if you don't read anything else I ever write PLEASE read this Satan HATES you, he wants to destroy you and cause you more and more pain. But you don't have to listen to his lies! He is a liar! OK now that I got that out! I encourage you to read Colossians 1 15-20 and meditate on it for a while. Folks I could go on and on but I want I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE LOVED! To the Critics out there I LOVE YOU TO! I pray for all of you who don't know Christ that your eyes will be opened! I pray for the believer out there who needs encouragement and needs to know what you do does matter. Finally I will close this post with a prayer. "Father Thank You so much Amen" When is the last time you said Thank You to God? Love you guys Jason
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Good evening everyone! Unleash was off the chain I am so Humbled that I get to be a servant to anyone and everyone! I Love my Church and my peeps. Now let's dive right in to this post. I am going to be talking about being spiritually blind. In John chapter 9 verses 10-11, and also 35-38,39. Jesus has healed a blind man in these verses. I find it funny how the religious leaders demanded the man tell them who done this for him! Anyway that's another story for another time! Jesus said something in this scripture that blows me away. ' I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind!" The last part rocks my world. He is saying we should become blind to our plan and follow his! That's awesome that the creator of the universe would choose us. In this text the miracle is great. Jesus encounters one who has never seen or known light-a blind man from birth- and he gives this man sight and light. After Jesus spit on the ground and made mud, he covered the mans eyes with the mud. What happens next is a sign of how strong the mans faith was. Jesus told him go to the pool of Siloam and wash this off and you will see. So the man had to step up and go! After he washed his eyes he could see i can only imagine the excitement that came over him! He never had to go back to his begging post again! You see in verses 35-38 was the conversion. Jesus gave him a spiritual light also he could now see with his heart. The way to see in this world is a willingness to admit we are blind. The blind man did not argue with Jesus. He acknowledged his condition and his need. He submitted himself to Christ and was OBEDIENT! My question for you is we all have certain things we try to keep in the Dark! What are you trying to keep hid in your life? You see Jesus sees it all you can't hide it from him. Instead of hiding it ask Jesus to take it away and watch him do another awesome and great work! Love you Guys! Jason
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hello! First i would like to say i hope you are having a great day. Im going to talk about the Church and comfort. The 2 should not be in the same sentence. I f you are trying to reach people for Christ you should never be comfortable while doing it! We have to step out of our comfort zone and reach people! For 2 long the people inside the church have been focused on there wants and needs and not the needs of the lost. The church should be were anybody can come, regardless of there clothes, car, hair, where they live or what they have done in there past. Who has the right to criticize a nonbeleiver and talk bad about them when they dont know any different. If there is anyone who should feel comfort in the church its the lost. The Church was not created for people to have permanent seats or parking , how dare people act like its theirs. The Church was created for Jesus Christ to be exalted not for congregations to have a Holy huddle! Im just sharing some very personal views and pet peeves of mine! Its my opinion and im not backing down. As far as youth goes heres one thing that burns me up is seeing a graveyard at a church well maintained and always shining, but the kids have to wash cars or sell donuts to go on youth camps. See the big picture is the people in the graveyard are dead and there decisions have been set. The Youth still need to be reached so why spend money on the non-important things that cemetary will not change the world. However our youth can make a huge impact. As far as the people that dont know Jesus what are we doing to change that.All throughout scripture the teachers of christ went out into the dangerous parts of town and reached out to them. So why are we not doing that today. You know what bothers me in the time it took to write this blog 100's of people have died without Jesus thus going to hell!!! That should be enough motivation for the Church! Faith does not require your details when God says do it just do it! This has challenged me WOW! man! I hope you get uncomfortable as well! One Love, One God, One Way! Later Jason!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Random Mind Racing!
I am in Awe that's all I can focus on! Street Ministry this week was so Awesome! We reached out to lots of people! It's because of people dedicating their time and money that we were able to feed the hungry, put brand new shoes on people that need them desperately, share the LOVE of JESUS with them and point them in the right direction to get cleaned up! These people are hungry folks! Hungry for HOPE...Hungry for LOVE..and Hungry for the TRUTH! JESUS has been rocking my world through Romans 10 lately as well as the book of Acts! Read Romans 10 and notice the ANYONE and EVERYONE. The believers in Acts met every need that needed to be met in their community, now that's how the current Church should be! We have more technology and more resources but still the Church is not reaching out in their communities like they need to be! I don't understand sometimes but we are not supposed to understand everything! I just know that THE LOT PROJECT through the POWER and LOVE of JESUS is going to pour into our communities until every sheep that's lost is found! We must leave the 99 to find the 1! JESUS did, so should we. This past week another name was added to the lambs book of life and that's what we are all about(LIFE CHANGE). I want to thank all of you who pour into THE LOT PROJECT. There are to many of you to list but you know who you are! This past Wednesday we were able to provide 31 high risk youth transportation to Church and today we were able to bring 17 Street Peeps to Church and that blows us away! I don't deserve any of this I deserve HELL and so do you but JESUS CHRIST died as a ransom for many"Mark 10:45" So to JESUS CHRIST be the glory! Thank You for blessing us so we can bless others. I pray this post encouraged you but challenged you. It was kind of scatter brained but my brain is still running wide open and I am still soaking all of this in! Love You and God Bless You! Love Jason Check out our new site @thelotproject.com.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Scroll down this blog page and click on the top video on my you tube bar! Watch that and let God show you how big and Powerful he is! And that's enough said for today! I'm in AWE...... Street Ministry was Awesome yesterday still thinking and soaking it all in! Love You guys!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wow! Yeah that's how I will start this post! I have been in AWE over the past 3 weeks at what Jesus has did in my life and the life of others! As most of you know I helped start an Outreach for Prostitutes, Drug Attics, and Homeless over 15 months ago! It has been a hard road and a very emotional road! There have been people come to Jesus over and over again! Oh! and that never gets old, we are all about Jesus and Life Change! About 8 months ago I took over as the leader of this ministry and it has been a challenge but a blessing! I am constantly humbled that Jesus Christ would choose me and a small group of others to do this type of Outreach! It went from handing out water in the summer months to feeding the homeless and reaching the types of people our world views as unreachable! So Thank You Jesus for that! So what am I getting at? About 1 month ago I met a Man Of God who had a vision like ours, his PASSION was incredible and from the start I knew God had planned for us to come together! Matt has a heart for high risk teens and homeless as well! I had been praying to Jesus for another leader and some other things like a bus to take people to and from Church on Sundays! Prayer answered Thank You Jesus! Me and Matt began to spend time praying and seeking God's plan for us coming together as one ministry! So we did, we are now "THE LOT PROJECT" Check us out anytime www.thelotproject.com! Last Sunday our first week of rolling the bus out was AWESOME we brought 10 people to church some that had never been before! Then last night we had 23 kids on the bus and 8 kids in the van it was fantastic! We pick these people up all over the place and 99% of them would never even have the transportation to get to church. So why do we do this? because as Christians we are called to serve and we just love serving! I Love bragging on Jesus! He is AWESOME! So streets here we come Greenville, Anderson, Iva, Belton, Honea Path and wherever he sends us we will go! I encourage you to read Romans 10 and pay attention to the EVERYONE and ANYONE! I could go on and on but I have tons of stuff to get finished before Street Ministry in the morning! I want you all to know WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS this would not be possible if we didn't have the support of all of you! I cant name everyone but you know who you are and we are so very THANKFUL for you! God Bless and I encourage you to tell someone about Jesus today! Look in front of you, look behind you and ask yourself, DO THEY KNOW WHO JESUS IS? If you have to think about it then you don't know so ask them! Lead them to Christ for we all know its only through him that we have TRUE LIFE "John 14:6".
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Think about it!
Good morning folks I want to leave you with a short but powerful post for today! Here are two of my favorite quotes! Stop and take time to process them! They will rock your world! People who are crucified with Christ have three distinct marks: 1. they are facing only one direction, 2. they can never turn back, and 3. they no longer have plans of their own. --A.W. Tozer Live as though Christ died yesterday, rose from the grave today, and is coming back tomorrow. --Theodore Epp
Monday, March 2, 2009
When FEAR turns to FAITH!
Life is full of challenges. Job security has become a thing of the past. Soaring cost in medical coverage, housing and other basic needs have created an environment filled with opportunities for worry. Problems of every description confront us EVERY DAY of our lives and generate enough pressure to stress out any normal person. There are 2 questions that you need to ask yourself.I did and its incredible the results! 1. What do you do with your worry? 2. How do you handle your fears? The truth is we all worry and fear things that could happen in our lives. Or we are worrying about a situation we have absolutely no control over at all! I personally struggle with worrying about the stupidest things sometimes! If your honest you do to! Lets take a look in scripture at what Jesus Christ says about worrying! Matthew Chapter 6 25-34 wow these verses rock my world. In Matthew 6:27 Jesus says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" The answer is no one! Verse 34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Jesus told us plainly do not worry. The one thing that always helps me when I worry is writing down what I'm worried about! If you see it for what its worth its not worth worrying about! Also talking to someone who LOVES you about a problem or just when life happens is great for you as well. So as you journey through your day look up and remember ONE LOVE, ONE GOD, ONE WAY PERIOD!!!!! Love all of you Jason
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