Thursday, March 19, 2009

His Will not Ours!

First for an update on how Street Ministry went today! Let me say I am continually BLOWN AWAY at how God has been moving on the streets of Anderson! This morning we served 15 homeless men breakfast and we spent time with them on the street just sharing our stories! Then I began to teach them on how God does not condemn them but HOW HE LOVES THEM SO SO MUCH! After a message of about 15 minutes my world got flipped upside down! Seven of the men wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ! So we led them to Jesus! Some of them have been enrolled in a local program and a couple others went home to family and friends! Can you say PRAISE GOD! So then we began to talk to gang members and prostitutes and we took some of them out to eat and just listened to them! My heart was broken! Then God moved once more we ended up leading 4 more people to Christ! I am in AWE at how people responded to the gospel today! It was all Jesus and Thank You to all who prayed for us! You ROCK and your prayers strengthen us! Now for my post today its short and sweet but please go deeper and listen to the voice of God! When we seek God's blessing as the ultimate value in life, we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will and power and purposes for us. All our other needs become secondary to what we really want-which is to become wholly immersed in what God is trying to do in us, through us, and around us for His Glory! Enough said I Love You all Jason!

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