Monday, July 13, 2009


What is the first thing that pops in your mind when you here the word man? Leader pops in my head so here we go launching right in to the post! That's what the man should do is lead the home and family. We look around our falling nation which is still blessed compared to other countries and we see a Crime Rate that is out of the roof, Abortion is at an all time high, Teen pregnancy is climbing as well as drug abuse in our teens. One question, who is really to blame is it the world or is that just the excuse we use for bad parenting. I'm convinced it's the Fathers not being present in there child's life. See anyone can be a Dad but it takes a special person to be a Father. Someone who is at the kids functions and events instead of Mom having to do it all because the Dad had to close on a business deal. Whats more important? Money or your Children's future. For to long the Dads out there have not been leading. The bible reads in (Proverbs) Train up a child in the way he should go and he will never depart from it. That my friend is the truth but in our culture its not happening because the Dads refuse to lead there family. Here are more scriptures to look up about Fathers. Ephesians 6:4, Luke 11:11, Colossians 3:21. Check them out for yourself. I'm not saying there are not Fathers out there trying there best i know of several and i commend you. Do me a favor sometime this week if you are a Dad slow down get in total silence and think about whats important. Let God speak to your heart. If all the Dads out there started leading and being true Fathers we could change this country with one generation. Love you guys O dont forget to check out our new website

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