Monday, July 14, 2008


What is going on everyone? I am going to be talking today about the message I was so glad to here yesterday at my home church. It was about masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, and swinging with other couples! Yeah! Our pastor went were not many pastors will go. I am 26 years old and I wish I would have had someone talk about the things he addressed yesterday to me when I was 14 years old. Still today most churches are scared to talk about real life stuff. However now there are several all across the country with pastors and staff that are not scared to talk about sex, sin, repentance, homosexuality, abortion, affairs and I’m glad to be apart of one where they teach it all, holding back nothing. A recent study showed that 99 % of Men and 50% of women struggle with porn addiction in America. I used to be one of them I was extremely addicted to porn and it almost ruined my marriage and my relationship with many people I cared about. Then one day I was told I had to change or it was over so I tossed the porn in the trash and prayed to God to forgive me and make me clean. Praise him he did it and it was awesome. Since then me and my wife’s relationship just keeps on getting better. Let me talk to you as a friend and please hear me out! You can get out of the pit your in. You may be real addicted or just view it every once in a while either way it’s deadly. It may not kill you but it will kill your marriage your relationships and most of all, your walk with Christ. Don’t listen to me see what the bible says about sexual sin. The Apostle Paul wrote about it in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 1-8. If you need help contact your church or if you don’t know who Jesus is I would love to talk to you personally just send me an e-mail or leave a comment with your e-mail address. It’s tough I’ve been there and I’m telling you when you repent and change the way you think about life it works! I pray this blog helps you!!!! Remember One Love, One God, One Way See yah Jason.

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