Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What’s up everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know change is great. You have to admit doing the same routine day in and day out gets old. I used to get up and eat the same breakfast. Go to the gym and do the same workout. Then head to work doing the same job. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was getting bored and tired of the same old thing. Then I got to thinking if you don’t change how you do things how should you expect life in general to be exciting. Then it hit me that is the way the church has been for years. I can remember sitting through church and wondering what does those big words mean and when is this going to be over. I also remember it being real boring and our youth trips were horrible. We would wash cars sometimes and still not have enough money to go anywhere. You have to agree that’s sad and that’s the way some churches have been for years. I am not cracking on churches or trying to be non-church. I am just saying when are churches going to change the way they deliver the message of Jesus. Our main focus as the church should be the youth and reaching the lost. A recent survey showed that the #1 reason people don’t come to church is that it’s boring to them. I used to be one of those people. I am blessed that the pastor and staff at my home church are passionate in both categories its all about Jesus and our Youth ministry is exploding. We get criticized all the time because we are growing and I always tell the people if your church isn’t growing ask yourself why? Jesus never intended on the church being satisfied or a comfortable place. Read it for yourself in the New Testament Acts, Corinthians, Ephesians the people of the early church were passionate people and it was constantly growing. We serve the same God now as they served then. God called us to be salt to the earth. Salt makes people thirsty have you made anyone thirsty for Jesus lately! If not, its time for a change. Change is good MTV changes every week to reach out to our youth in a negative way. So why doesn’t the Church change the way they do things? That will have a positive impact! I will let you answer that one. It will be different for everyone. I have simply shared my opinions on change and I think its time the church in America to wake up that’s all.

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