Friday, November 7, 2008

Good for you or Him?

Wow what a devotional this morning and I just have to share it with the world! I would like to start by asking a question. Is it possible for a human being to do good things? Jesus said in scripture Romans 3:12, NIV “There is none who does good, no, not one.” You know that depends on who defines doing good. If by doing good we mean doing nice things or even moral things as a part of a responsible human society, then human beings can do good things. If by doing we mean things we do which God can call good, then human beings cannot do good things on their own at all PERIOD! Romans 3:12 is the higher definition of doing good its Gods view! For someone to do something God would call good, three things must be true. 1. The good must originate first in God not man! 2. The good comes from God to a willing person, in my opinion someone really obedient! 3. The goodness leaves the person willing to serve God’s purposes not mans! This is why Jesus did so many good things. His whole behavior, in God and for God. He lived constantly as a man doing only the will of God nothing more nothing less! He completely released all of the goodness of God in him to SERVE his Father’s purpose on earth. As Christians, we can do good by believing in Jesus. Believing is our willingness to be ready and waiting. When we continuously believe in Jesus, God is able to allow us to do the good works he desires for others. Jesus said, “He who believes in me, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37) Now that is really doing good things! As I look in John 15:4 Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing.” Trying to do good without Jesus is impossible. Once again we do good only as we continuously believe in Jesus! I will close with 2 questions you need to answer for yourself. Do you desire to do good things everyday? Who should get the credit for all the good you do? I hope this hit home to you. It was lengthy but I felt I needed to share it so have a Jesus filled day and look up and smile! Jesus LOVES you! I’m out

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