Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Good!

The Gospel by its very name means “Good News.” It is considered Good News because it announces there is a solution for man’s greatest problem. We know that this “Good News” is received by faith in the grace of God. Forgiveness is not something we earn or even could earn although many people believe that lie! Forgiveness is a gift that we receive. The greatest need you and I will ever have is the removal and forgiveness of our sins(Thank God for that) Knowing that our sin eternally separates us from a Holy God puts into perspective the great gift God offers to those who will receive it by faith(JESUS). Unfortunately, many people think they can replace the gift of God by doing good works and make it to Heaven. Newsflash that can’t happen! Satan spends much time trying to get people to believe just that, because if he can trick people into believing this lie he’s got them! Remember apart from Christ no man can be saved. If we were all honest with ourselves we are not good people. I know I’m not. I’m just a crazy white boy that Loves Jesus! Remember doing good apart from Jesus is impossible! I Love all of you very much have a great day I’m off to work in just a few, Jason!


Hi Def Porn said...

Yea, there's nothing we can or need to do to get to Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Wrong! "Believe in Jesus" In John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me!This is reaction back to hi def porns comment!